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Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
2014 Issue 6
GM crops and food security
Deborah Delmer;University California Davis/Food Security;The Rockefeller Foundation;440 Feedrock Rd Brevard NC28712;USA;
Demands for green technologies in future plant breeding
ZHANG Qi-fa;National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and National Center of Plant Gene Research;Huazhong Agricultural University;
Global perspective:GM crops and biodiversity
Peter H.Raven;Missouri Botanical Garden;P.O.Box299;St.Louis;MO63166-0299;USA;
Future directions,development and application of GM crops in the USA
Martina Newell-McGloughlin;International Biotechnology Program;University of California Davis;Davis;CA;95616 USA;
Biosafety legislation and the use of GM crops in Brazil
Alexandre Lima Nepomuceno;Mauricio Antonio Lopes;Flavio Finardi-Filho;Marcus Vinicius Segurado Coelho;Renata Fuganti-Pagliarini;Embrapa Soybean;Carlos Joo Strass Road;Warta-PR;Brazil;Embrapa Headquarter;Parque Estao Biológica s/n;PqEB;W3 Norte-Asa Norte;Brasília-DF;Brazil;Pharm;So Paulo University;Cubatostreet;86;cj 909;Vila Mariana.So Paulo-SP;Brazil;Mapa-Ministry of Agriculture;Livestock and Food Supply;Esplanada dos Ministérios-Bloco D-Brasília/DF;Brazil;
The situation for genetically modified crops in Europe
Justus Wesseler;Dusan Drabik;Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group;Wageningen University;De Leeuwenborch 2017;Hollandseweg;16706 KN Wageningen;The Netherlands;
GM crops in India
Usha Barwale Zehr;Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd;Dawalwadi;Maharashtra;India;
The status of GM crops in sub-Saharan Africa
Nompumelelo H.Obokoh;David Keetch;AfricaBio;Unit No.9;Enterprise Building;The Innovation Hub;Pretoria 0087;SA;
The present status of Golden Rice
Adrian Dubock;Golden Rice Humanitarian Board;Switzerland;
Biosafety:Evaluation and regulation of genetically modified(GM)crops in the United States
Richard E.Goodman;Food Allergy Research and Resource Program;Dept.of Food Science and Technology;University of Nebraska-Lincoln143 Food Industry Complex;Lincoln;NE68583-0955;USA;
Food safety assessment derived from GMO
YANG Xiao-guang;National Institute of Nutrition and Safety;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
Environmental safety evaluation and risk management of GM crops in China
WU Kong-ming;State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests;Institute of Plant Protection;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Issues confronting GMO crops in China
CHEN Xiao-ya;YANG Chang-qing;JIA He-peng;National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics;National Plant Gene Research Center;Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology;Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Plant Science Research Center;Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden;Communication Department;Cornell University;
Global production and consumption of genetically engineered crops
Maarten J.Chrispeels;Division of Biological Sciences;University of California San Diego;9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla;CA 92093;USA;