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Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Nature Science)
2007 Issue 2
Thermal analysis of superconducting solenoid magnet and its cooling system in BEPCII
Wang Li;Tang Hongming;Jia Linxiang
The whole-body γ-knife and its intensity modulated radiation therapy
Duan Zhengchen;Huang Yu
Mechanical electronic model for magnetically suspended left ventricular axial blood pump
Liu Xiaojun;Liu Xiaoyiny;Luo Qingming
Improved Otsu thresholding based on minimum inner-cluster variance
Zhou Yunyan;Yang Kuntao;Huang Ying
Hybrid finite analytic solutions to bend-flows
Huai Wenxin;He Shuqin;Zeng Yuhong
Study on influencing factors of electric breakdown field in DBD
Dai Ling;Han Yongxia;Lin Fuchang;Yan Fei
Three dimensional acquisition for PN sequence by multiple antennas technique
Hu Xiulin;Wang Jiachi;Zhang Yunyu;Luo Zezhou
Design of implement of a novel temperature compensation circuit for laser drivers
Zou Xuecheng;Chen Songtao;Chen Xiaofei
Effects of sintering temperature on the properties of Ba4.2(Sm0.8Nd0.17Bi0.03)9.2Ti18O54 ceramics
Zhu Jianhua;Lu Wenzhong;Lei Wen;Wang Xiaochuan
On the construction of orthomorphic permutations
Zhou Jianqin
Halftone watermarking algorithm by threshold-altered error diffusion
Zheng Haihong;Wang Yifeng;Kong Yueping;Zeng Ping
Watermarking detecting algorithm with geometric distortion resistance
Zhang Dengyin;Yang Haiyun;Deng Lanlan
RTCOM-based new design method for real-time system
Yang Maolin;Zhang Wei;Xu Liping
Statistical model for the spatial variability of soil properties
Zheng Junjie;Guo Qiuju;Guo Jia
Tensor product-based meshless numerical method
Sun Haitao;Wang Yuanhan;Miao Yu
Experimental research on nature frequency of prestressed concrete beams
Zhang Yaoting;Wang Xiali;Li Ruige
Centralized relative-clock synchronization for distributed real-time systems
Tan Pengliu;Jin Hai;Zhang Minghu
Realization of appdomain-based fast data reading technology
Cai Zhaoquan
Dynamic flexibility and reflective scheduling model with self-adaptive characteristic
Xu Liping;Wang Xuan;Lu Yansheng
Effects of the friction coefficlient and mass on the transport coherence of Brownian particles
Yang Ming;Yao Yong;Cao Li;Wu Dajin
Investigation of photonic superfluidity in a Kerr nonlinear blackbody
Cheng Ze;Wan Jinyin
Measurement of linear polarization light rotation
Fan Shuhua;Xu Lishan;Liu Linxia
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A new structure for LTCC filter
Tang Qinghua;Xiong Botao;Wu Guoan;Luo wei
Etching microbridge for UPFA devices
Jiang Shenglin;Jiang Qin;Chen Shi;Liu Meidong
Analysis of the error resiliency of variable length codes
Huang Quanliang;Liu Weizhong;Zou Xuecheng;Sun Debao
Decentralized robust H∞ output feedback controller
Xie Yongfang;Gui Weihua;Jiang Zhaohui;Wu Hongjun
Nearest neighbor search for constrained moving objects trajectories
Lu Yansheng;Xu Hu;Pan Peng
CHT-based scalable asymmetric binary search balancing algorithm
He Tongzhou;Wang Weidong;Li zhitang
Dynamic packing index structure for moving objects
Lu Yansheng;Peng Xiangli;Pan Peng
Efficient mining algorithm for frequent pattern in intrusion detection
Cui Wei;Liu Jianwei;Zhang Qishan