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Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Nature Science)
2007 Issue 11
Synthesis of PTC nanocrystals by coprecipitation/hydrothermal reaction
Gong Shuping;Tang Yuqin;Xia Jing;Chen Chunfang
Experimental research of fish-imitating propulsion
Yu Kai;Huang Sheng;Hu Jian;Guo Chunyu
The reflectivity of two-dimensional atmospheric pressure plasmas' reflecting radar waves
Jiang Zhonghe;Hu Xiwei;Liu Minghai
jian xun
Chips with gain rectification for audio power amplifiers
Ying Jianhua;Tang Xiao
CMOS bandgap reference voltage source with high PSRR
Zhang Daoli;Liang Yanbin;Wu Yanhui;Chen Sheng
A privacy preserving protocol for pervasive computing
Guo Yajun;He Yanxiang;Qi Mei
A (t, n) threshold signature scheme based on self-certified public keys
Zheng Minghui;Wang Xiaofei;Cui Guohua;Zhu Jianhua
Analysis of maximized differential power against AES
Chen Yicheng;Zou Xuecheng;Liu Zhenglin;Han Yu
Calculational methods of subjective trust based on gray system theory
Xu Lan fang;Hu Huaifei;Wang Aimin;Lu Cao
A multi-granularity trust model for distributed peer-to-peer networks
Yuan Wei;Cheng Wenqing
Securing QoS on-demand routing protocol for Ad hoc networks
Yang Mingxi;Li Layuan;Fang Huajing
Application of grid resource broker to the interoperation in heterogeneous grid systems
Shi Ke;Dai Feng;Shi Xuanhua;Tao Yongcai
A link weights tuning scheme by dynamic traffic matrix
Wu Jing;Guo Chengcheng;Yan Puliu;Yang Jianfeng
New idea of fault-removing-RDB by multi-agent
Liu Yunsheng;Zhou Qinglan
Relationship-based literature retrieval method
Han Zongfen;Chen Ling;Yuan Pingpeng;Lin Yingshu
A data affinity based garbage collector for multi-bank flash-memory storage system
Du Yehua;Cai Ming;Dong Jinxiang
The pre-distribution scheme of the key for wireless sensors networks with actors
Dai Zhicheng;Wang Bingwen;Qu Tan;Ran Qiyue
Restoration of discrepancy iterative images using mechanism for evaluating noise
Tang Xinjian;Liu Jian;Tian Jinwen
Filtering of the servo signals from micro-HDD by weighted recursive least square algorithm
Zhang Hongbo;Huang Xinhan;Peng Gang;Ton Huang
The N/(N+1) encoding scheme of high rate runlength limited codes
Liu Chun;Wang Haiwei;Xie Changsheng;Pei Xiandeng
An effective symbol timing synchronization scheme
Guo Yi;Liu Gang;Ge Jianhua
Privacy preserving multi-relational association rule mining
Li Zhuan;Wang Yuanzhen
A quasi-human algorithm for solving cuboid packing problem
Huang Wenqi;Zhao Liang
Experimental study of flexural behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced deep beam
Xia Guangzheng;Xia Dongtao;Xu Lihua;Chi Yin
Convective heat transfer coefficient at the rolling tire surface
He Yan;Ma Lianxiang;Huang Suyi
Visualization experiments of the flow field in rectangular microchannels
Tan Dawei;Zhang Chunping;Qu Wei
Vibration analysis of ultra-precision stage with air-bearing
Chen Xuedong;Bao Xiulan;He Xueming;Yu Xianzhong
Iterated unscented kalman filter
Xie Kai;Jin Bo;Zhou Yiyu
Design research of the numerical simulation system of plasma spray process
Wang Guilan;Hu Bangyou;Wu Wei;Zhang Hai'ou
Al2O3/SiO2 composite ceramic parts by selective laser sintering
Shi Yusheng;Cheng Di;Liu Jinhui;Huang Shuhuai