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Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Nature Science)
2004 Issue S1
An overview on some R&D of Russian space robotics—a visit to Russian ROVER S&T joint-stock company
Cai Zixing Prof.; College of Information Science and Engineer; Central South University; Changsha 410083; China.
A review of grasping and manipulation for multifingered robotic hands
Xiong Youlun Xiong Caihua Prof.; College of Mech. Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Intelligent robot, emotional robot, humanoid robot
Tu Xuyan Prof.; College of Infermation Eng.; Beijing; Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Beijing 100083; China.
The recent state and development of the research on reconfigurable robot
Xu Chao Assoc. Prof.; School of Mechatronic; Beijng Institute of Technology; Beijng 100081; China.
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Advances in motion targets tracking techniques of mobile robot under unknown environments
Su Hong Cai Zixing Postgraduate; College of Information Science and Engineer; Central South University; Changsha 410083; China.
TSB hierarchical intelligent control structure for micro-assembly robots
Huang Xinhan Lu Xiadong Wang Min Prof.; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
A novel composed control scheme for positioning of two-link flexible manipulators
Dai Xuefeng Sun Lining Cai Hegao Prof.; Robotics Institute; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001; China.
Self-tuning PID controller based on fuzzy reasoning for motion control of mobile robots
Gao Jian Huang Xinhan Peng Gang Yang Tao Wu Yi Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Research on intelligent robot architecture with learning ability
Zhang Rubo Gu Guochang Yang Ge Guo Yizun Prof.; College of Computer Sci. & Tech.; Haerbin Univ. of Eng.; Haerbin 150001; China.
Mobile robot behavior decision and control based on neural network and fuzzy inference
Peng Gang Huang Xinhan Yang Tao Gao Jian Wu Yi Xiong Youlun Dr.; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
A method of machining path planning for robot based on genetic algorithm
Guo Tongying Qu Daokui Doctoral Candidate; Shenyang Institute of Automation of CAS; Shenyang 110016; China.
Networked sensor neuron design for robot sensing system
Wu Zhongcheng Zhou Huaguo Shen Fei Dr.; State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology; Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machines of CAS; Hefei 230031; China.
Research on multi-index amalgamation optimization of redundant robots
Gao Tongyue Dai Ju Postgraduate; Robotics Institute; Shandong University of Science and Technology; Jinan; Shandong 250031; China.
Simulation system of autonomous land vehicle based on multi-Agent
Gui Benye Qian Hui Zhu Miaoliang Postgraduate; College of Computer; Zhejiang Univ.; Hangzhou 310027; China.
A simple robust adaptive trajectory tracking control for robotic manipulators
Chen Qijun Zhang Honghui Wang Yuejuan Chen Huitang Prof.; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Tongji Univ.; Shanghai 200029; China.
A research on multi-agent communication based RoboCup simulation soccer competition system
Min Huaqing Fan Yaojun Prof.; College of Computer Sci. and Eng.; Huanan Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Guangzhou 510640; China.
Networked autonomous intelligent robot simulation and debug environment
Zhu Miaoliang Zhang Qiqian Qian Hui Gui Benye Xu Shaojun Prof.; College of Computer Sci. & Tech.; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou 310027; China.
Development of intelligent mobile robot with double working arms
Li Ruifeng Gao Tong Yan Guorong Liu Guangli Prof.; Inst. of Robot; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001; China.
A novel curvature fiber optic sensor
Fu Yili Liu Renqiang Wang Shuguo Prof.; Robot Research Institute; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001; China.
Research on image servo subsystem in the intelligent robot test platform of multi robotic sensors
Gao Lifu Wang Yuechao Li Haibin Ge Yunjian Dr.; Robotics Laboratory; Shenyang Institute of Automation of CAS; Shenyang 110016; China.
The study on artificial evolution of autonomous robot
Ma Guang Xue Wei Shen Guiying Jiang Subin Assoc. Prof.; College of Industrial Engineering; Wenzhou University; Wenzhou 325035; China.
Research on miniature six axis force/torque wrist sensor based on CAN bus
Shen Fei Wu Zhongcheng Ge Yunjian Engineer; Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machines of CAS; Hefei 230031; China.
The design and implementation of a low cost robot controller
Li Xuerong Wu Jinbo Sun Ronglei Postgraduate; College of Mech. Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
The fuzzy clustering method based on genetic arithmetic
Xu Songrong Postgraduate; Computer & Information Engineering College; Xiamen University. Fujian; Xiamen 361005; China.
Basing on AR model and BP neural network to classify SEMG
Wang Fei Luo Zhizeng Postgraduate; Robotics Research Institute; Hangzhou Dianzi University; Hangzhou 310038; China.
Research on inspection system of steel surface hole based on neural network
Zhao Songqing Wang Min Huang Xinhan Li Wei Wu Yi Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Science & Engineering; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Incremental learning using RBF networks
Sang Nong Zeng Kun Prof.; Institute for Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Research in fuzzy logic on set pair analysis
Cheng Keyang Postgraduate; College of Computer; Jangsu University; Zhenjang 212013; China.
The application of the Bergerlahr Cartesian robotics in the component measured
Li Gang General Manager; Shenyang Laiyin Mechanic & Electronic Co. Ltd; Shenyang 110141; China.
Simulation for a inspection robot of power transmission lines
Zhao Xiaoguang Liang Zize Tan Min Assoc. Research Fellow; Institute of Automation; Chianese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100080; China.
Research on adaptive gait planning for a humanoid robot
Wang Jianwen Ma Hongxu Wang Yue Doctoral Candidate; College of Mech-Electr. Eng. and Automation; National Univ. of Defense Tech.; Changsha 410073; China.
Key technologies of overcoming time-delay infection for telerobot system
Chen Junjie Huang Weiyi Prof.; Dept. of Instrument Sci. & Eng.; Southeast Univ.; Nanjing 210096; China.
Behavior based robotics
Yun Weimin Dr.; Shanghai Grandar Associate Robot Limited Company; Shanghai 200233; China.
Uncalibrated robotic hand-eye coordination of full- degree-of-freedoms based on fuzzy neural network
Su Jianbo Prof.; Dept. of Automation; Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.; Shanghai 200030; China.
Research on key technologies of robot driver
Li Xu Zhang Weigong Dong Xiaoma Doctoral Candidate; Dept. of Instrument Sci. & Eng.; Southeast University; Nanjing 210096; China.
The realization of a multipleuser-based teleoperation emulation robot system
Li Guodong Liu Chang′an Chen Xing Bi Yanjun Engineer; Dept. of Computer Sci. & Tech.; North China Electric Power University; Beijing 102206; China.
Swing-up and handstand control of cart-triple-pendulum system based on human simulated intelligent control theory
Li Zushu Dan Yuanhong Wen Yongling Zhang Hua Prof.; Institute of Intelligent Automation; Chongqing Univ.; Chongqing 400044; China.
A controller for manipulation of loader transmission system
Dai Ju Prof.; Centre of Robot Research; Shandong University of Sci. & Tech.; Jinan 250031; China.
Research on soccer-robot′s shooting goal based on forecast
Wang Niu Li Zushu Pan Ya Postgraduate; College of Auto.; Chongqing Univ.; Chongqing 400044; China.
The design and implementation of email based on PowerBuilder
Yan Huaicheng Wang Min Huang Xinhan Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Science & Engineering; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Information and knowledge propagation of soccer robot
Luo Zhen Cao Qixin Doctoral Candidate; College of Mech. & Power Eng.; Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.; Shanghai 200030; China.
Parallel processing investigation for mobile robot vision-navigation
Fu Ying Cai Zixing Yang Yong Postgraduate; College of Information Science & Engineering;Central South University; Changsha 410083; China.
Humanoid force information detection system based on CAN bus
Wang Jian Ma Hongxu Doctoral Candidate; College of Mech-Electr. Eng. and Automation; National Univ. of Defense Tech.; Changsha 410073; China.
Study on control algorithm of humanoid robot walking on unknown ground
Sheng Tao Ma Hongxu Wang Yue Postgraduate; Lab. of Robot; National Univ. of Defense Tech.; Changsha 410073; China.
Research on low-level motion control of soccer robot
Yang Tao Huang Xinhan Peng Gang Zeng Jie Yu Yao Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Sci. and Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
The application of rough-neural network system in target recognition by data fusion
Cao Zhiguo Zou Feiyong Wu Yifei Zhang Tianxu Assoc. Prof.; Institute of Pattern Recognition & AI; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Kinematics, dynamic analysis and simulation of lunar rover
Cai Zesu Hong Bingrong Wei Zhenhua Assoc. Prof.; College of Computer Sci. & Tech.; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001; China.
Research and implementation of robot path planning methods with obstacle avoidance
Meng Zhengda Wang Xiaozhong Prof.; Dept. of Automatic Control Engineering; Southeast University; Nanjing 210096; China.
Application study of robotic force control system based on artificial intelligence
Wang Xiujun Ge Yunjian Xiao Bo Yu Yong Postgraduate; Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machines of CAS; Hefei 230031; China.
The summarize of robot system about MAS
Ma Li Ci Linlin Ge Genyan Assoc. Porf.; Detp. of Computer Sci. & Eng.; Beijng Institute of Technology; Beijng 100081; China.
The development of an optical fiber peg-top instrument
Fu Xiuhui Wang Chi Li Wenzhen Doctoral Candidate; Shenyang Institute of Automation of CAS; Shenyang 110016; China.
Research on the electric control system of micro-assembly robot
Chen Guoliang Huang Xinhan Wang Min Doctoral Candidate; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
A new method for building panoramas based on feature matching
Tong Yu Cai Zixing Postgraduate; Institute for Intelligent System and Software; Central South University; Changsha 410083; China.
The design of motion control system and research on control arithmetic for mobile robot
Zhong Xinhua Cai Zixing Zou Xiaobing Postgraduate; College of Information Sci. & Eng.; Central South Univ.; Changsha 410083; China.
Research on performance evaluation in human-computer interaction system
Ma Libo Assoc. Prof.; College of Electronics & Information Engineering; Jiangsu University of Scienceand Technology; Zhenjiang 212003; China.
The final objective of the robot soccer and it′s realization course
Hong Bingrong Prof.; College of Computer Sci. & Tech.; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001; China.
Path planning of mobile robot using self-learn visual graph
Cui Yuping Yu Qiuze Tian Jinwen Liu Yongcai Doctoral Candidate; Inst. for Pattern Recognition & AI; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Analysis and design of decision-making subsystem of soccer robot
Zhang Xiaochuan Li Zushu Liu Haitao Li Yong Assoc. Prof.; Dept. of Computer; Chongqing Institute of Technology; Chongqing 400050; China.
The Tcl/Tk programming language and its application to educational robots
Cui Xianli Yang Wenyu Postgraduate; College of Mech. Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Kinematics characteristics of coordinated manipulation and its simulation for free flying space robots
Liu Chang′an Yuan Jingyang Zhou Hong Li Guodong Assoc. Prof.; School of Computer Sci. and Tech.; North China Electric Power University; Beijing 102206; China.
An approach of neural-network-based trajectory tracking for robot
Meng Zhengda Yang Zhen Prof.; Dept. of Automatic Control Engineering; Southeast University; Nanjing 210096; China.
The design of a video capture system of mobile robot based on DirectShow
Chen Yue Cai Zixing Postgraduate; School of Information Science and Engineering; Central South University; Changshan 410083; China.
Research on vehicle license location algorithm based on the characteristics of verge images
Luo Fan Chen Sheng Wang Min Huang Xinhan Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Scan line seed fill based clustering algorithm for two-value image
Wu Yi Huang Xinhan Wang Min Li Wei Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Research on self-localization algorithms for intelligent robots
Liu Lei Wang Yongji Cheng Lei Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
Research on a data acquisition and fusion system of multi-sensor robots
Chen Guoliang Huang Xinhan Wang Min Doctoral Candidate; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.
A vision guidance system of mobile robot based on color image
Yang Qiyu Wang Min Huang Zhenyu Postgraduate; Dept. of Control Sci. & Eng.; Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Wuhan 430074; China.