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Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Nature Science)
2000 Issue 4
Fluid Simulation on the World Wide Web
Wang Hong;Charlie C. L. Wang
Design of Microlenses for DFB Laser-Diode Arrays Coupling to Waveguides
Chen Changhong;Yi Xingjian;Li Tongning
Analysis of Circulating Currents among the Stator Bar Strands of Large Turbine-Generators
Guo Youguang;Wang Xuefan;Zhu Jianguo;V. S. Ramsden
Calculation of the Parameters of Stator Hybrid Conductor in Large Turbo-Generators
Guo Youguang;Wang Xuefan;Zhu Jianguo;V. S. Ramsden
Automatic Representation of Binary Image
Li Jun;Wang Min;Huang Xinhan
Design of BIBO Controllers for Neutral Type Control Systems
Fu Yuli;Liao Xiaoxin
Robot Controller Design Based on PMAC
Pan Liandong;Huang Xinhan
The Root of Uncertainty Information and the Foundation of Universal Grey Sets
Wang Qingyin;Cui Yuanmin;Ren Biao
Design of Mandatory Access Control for DM3 and Its Implementation
Zhu Hong;Feng Yucai;Wu Hengshan;Wu Yongying
Based on ANN Optimization of Welding Properties in Flux Cored Wires
Yu Shengfu;Li Zhiyuan;Wang Fude;Wu Wei
The Vector Monitoring Method Based on the Event Driver
Lai Wuxing;Li Weihua;Shi Tielin;Yang Shuzi
An Integrated CAPP System Based on PDM
Zhang Hanxin;Cai Ligang;Zhang Guojun;Li Peigen
Algorithm of Points Insert in Surface Fairing Based on Energy Minimization
Peng Fangyu;Zhou Yunfei;Zhou Ji
A New Algorithm of Machining Toolpaths Planning Based on Isoparametric Trimming
Tang Jin;Luo Hongzhi;Zhou Ji
Non-Statistical Distinguish of Gross Errors in Measurement Values
Zhu Jianmin;Bin Hongzan;Wang Zhongyu;Zhou Fuzhang
Research on Critical Problems and Practice in Universal CAPP System
He Pinghu;Cai Ligang;Li Peigen;Wang Xiaobin
Secure Administration Based on User-Role
Zhu Hong;Feng Yucai;Wu Yongying
2D Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in Upper Limbs
Zhu Guangming;Liu Wei;Yang Kun;Wei Riguang
The Life Damage of 125 MW Steam Turbine Rotor in Peak Load Operation
Wang Kun;Huang Shuhong;Ye Yuhuai;Peng Jingquan
Design Calculation of Composite Foundation with Flyuash Concrete Piles in Soft Soil
Zheng Junjie;Liu Shiqin;Lin Yonghan
Study of Schwarz Alternating Procedure on the Union of Two Disks
Wang Zhouhong;Wang Neugchao;Gao Junbing
Schr(o)dinger Equation's Gauge Variance and Maxwell Equations
Liu Chengyou
Seawave Model and Its Simulation
Ma Jie;Tian Jinwen;Peng Fuyuan
The Development of Device Driver Program of the MPEG-Ⅱ Encoder Based on PCI Bus
Wang Xinming;Wang Hongyuan
Network Monitoring and Auto-Alarming System Based on SNMP and Serial Communication
Xue Qi;Shi Binxin;Liu Qiwen
Analyzing Classical Spectral Estimation by MATLAB
Yao Wuchuan;Yao Tianren
Well Logging High-Speed Data Transmission System Based on DSP Technique
Huang Ruiguang;Liu Yu
Unconventional Study of the Corporation Value Based on Signaling Models
Xia Xinping;Zhan Weihua
On Implementation of Cooperative Authoring System
Chen Xiaosu;Deng Fan;Xiao Daoju
A New Method for the Development of Enterprise Information System
Wen Yuanbao;Yi Bin