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Acta Oceanologica Sinica
2014 Issue 7
Study on water masses in Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area
Chen Hongxia;,Lin Lina;,Shi Jiuxin;
Effects of different retracking schemes of HY-2A Altimeter on significant wave height
He Yijun;,Li Xiuzhong;,Zhao Haifeng;
ADV-based acoustical sediment inversion and diffusion mechanism in the Pearl River Estuary
Deng Weizhu;,Liu Huan;,Ren Jie;,Wu Jiaxue;,Yang Mingming;,Zhang Yunbo;
Eocene petroleum play:New petroleum system in northeast Gulf of Thailand
Fan Guozhang;,Lu Fuliang;,Lu Yintao;,Shao Dali;,Shi Buqing;,Xu Ning;,Zhang Jie;
Spatial distribution study of cobalt-rich crusts ore formation on the central Pacific seamount
Bao Gengsheng;,Chu Fengyou;,Dong Ruzhou;,Ma Weilin;,Yang Kehong;,Zhang Kai;
Types and characteristics of potential geohazards in the sea area near Nanpu-Caofeidian,Hebei Province
Fu Mingzuo;,Gao Shan;,Li Ping;,Liu Lejun;,Liu Xiaodong;
The research of exchange processes between the suspended sediment near the bottom and the depositions in the Changjiang (Yangtze)Estuary
Dai Zhijun;,Gao Jinjuan;,Ge Zhenpeng;,Lin Yifan;,Wei Wen;,Xie Hualiang;
Calibration and verification of sea surface wind speed from satellite altimeters
Xu Guangjun;,Xu Yuan;,Yang Jingsong;,Zheng Gang;
Seabed sonar image analysis and acoustic seabed classification in the south of the Cheju Island
Li Jie;,Lu Kai;,Tang Qiuhua;,Zhang Zhixun;,Zhou Xinghua;
Geophysical features of mud volcanoes in the waters southwest of the Dongsha Islands
Chen Zhong;,Wang Yanlin;,Yan Pin;,Zheng Hongbo;,Zou Dapeng;