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Acta Oceanologica Sinica
2014 Issue 6
Accurately quantification of 29 N2 concentration in 15 N tracer derived marine denitrificaiton rates
Chen Min;,Qiu Yusheng;,Zeng Jian;,Zheng Minfang;
The distribution of pCO2 in surface water and CO2 flux at air-sea interface in northeast part of the South China Sea in spring
Jiang Yifei;,Liu Guimei;,Lv Honggang;,Qiao Ran;,Wang Hui;
Distribution,flux and biological consumption of carbon monoxide in the East China Sea in summer
Lu Xiaolan;,Xu Guanqiu;,Yang Guipeng;,Zhao Baozhen;
Characteristics of composition and source of rare earth elements in the seafloor hydrothermal products from the Southwest Indian Ridge
Chu Fengyou;,Lei Jijiang;,Li Xiaohu;,Yu Xing;,Zhang Pingping;,Zhao Hongqiao;
Sources and formation mechanisms of organic sulfur in Jiaozhou Bay sediments
Chen Liangjin;,Huang Xiangli;,Li Tie;,Zhu Maoxu;
Bacterial communities in Dalian Bay petroleum pollution sediments
Chen Jiaying;,Fan Jingfeng;,Gao Xiaoyu;,Han Junli;,Li Jiangyu;,Lin Fengao;,Ming Hongxia;
Individual-based model study on the fishing ground of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)in the East China Sea
Chen Xinjun;,Li Yuesong;,Pan Lingzhi;,Yan Liping;
Analysis of phenotype and genetic variation of on “Flounder No.1”Paralichthys Olivaceus and their parental populations
Chen Honglin;,Chen Songlin;,Jiang Jing;,Liu Wanjun;,Qi Wenshan;,Tian Yongsheng;,Wang Lei;,Zhang Yingping;
Selection pressure comparison and evolutionary relationships exploration of pinnipeds mitochondrial genes
Cheng Hanliang;,Meng Xueping;,Shen Xin;,Tian Mei;,Yan Binlun;
Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the continental slope southwest of Nansha Islands,South China Sea
Du Feiyan;,Gu Yangguang;,Jia Xiaoping;,Lin Qin;,Ning Jiajia;,Wang Lianggen;,Wang Xuehui;,Yang Shengyun;,Yu Jie;
Digital gene expression profiling analysis of Pyropia haitanensis (Rhodophyta)under high temperature stress
Chen Haimin;,Lai Xiaojuan;,Luo Qijun;,Yan Xiaojun;,Yang Rui;
Distribution of net-phytoplankton community in summer and its influence factors in the Changj iang Estuary and adj acent continental shelf
Chen Quanzhen;,Jiang Zhibing;,Li Hongliang;,Yan Xiaoj un;,Zeng Jiangning;,Zhang Dongsheng;,Zhou Feng;,Zhu Genhai;