Toxic effect of nonylphenol( NP) on the mantle of Paphia undulate
GONG Xiu-yu;HUANG Zhi-fei;WANG He-wei;ZHANG Zhe;MA Sheng-wei;CHEN Hai-gang;CAI Wen-gui;The Ministry of agriculture fishery resources and Environmental Sciences observation experiment station;Key Laboratory of Guangdong Province fishery ecological environment;South China Sea Fisheries Research China Inst;College of Fisheries and Life Science;Shanghai Ocean University;College of Marine Science;Shanghai Ocean University;
Dynamic analyses of early development and gather of green macroalgae in 2012
LI Yue-song;XIAO Wen-jun;YANG Hong;HU Song;PAN Ling-zhi;College of Marine Sciences;Shanghai Ocean University;National Distant-water Fisheries Engineering Research Center;Shanghai Ocean University;Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources;Ministry of Education;Shanghai Ocean University;East China Sea Forecast Center;State Oceanic Administration;