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West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2011 Issue 6
Study on the vasodilator effect of components combination of Chinese materia medica
LIU Rong;BIAN Xiao-hong;XU Ji-yang*;NIE Yu;WU Long
Study on the determination methods for Flupirtine maleate
CAI Xiu-feng;WANG Xue-yan;CHAO Ruo-bing*
Determination of cholesterol in yolk lecithin by UPLC-MS/MS
Chirality determination of Nebivolol hydrochloride by HPLC
WANG Qing-qing;SONG Yan-xia;LI Zhi;CHEN Qi-li;LI Bo*
Determination of palladium content in Tigecycline by flame atom absorption spectrometry
HAN Ji-yong;LI Ju-jiang;CHEN Xiang-feng
zuo shu zhong zuo lei cheng fen kang zhong liu zuo yong de yan jiu jin zhan
fu shu lu jin jian chen xiu ping wang yi tao
Study on the membrane transport of baicalin-phospholipid complexes by parallel artificial membrane permeability method
LI Nan1;2;TU Ling2;YE Ying-jie1;YANG Ming3;JIANG Xue-hua2*
The genuineness analysis of Angelica dahurica by ~1HNMR-PR
LUO Qiao-qi1;XIAO Yun-chuan1;XI Zhen1;LIU Miao1;RAN Jian1;ZHANG Yi2;HUANG Jing1*
guan zhuang dong mai yao wu zhi jia shu hou zhong zheng yao zhen 1 li
xu yuan ning zuo fang ju huang de jia
Study on the HPLC fingerprints of persimmon leaf in Guangxi province
ZHOU Jiang-yu;LI Yao-hua;HOU Xiao-tao;LI Jiang-qi;ZHEN Han-shen;HUANG Ke-nan*
The immunomodulatory effects of Kangfuxin solution in the mice
YANG Wen;WANG Lu-lu;XIANG Hong-yu;LI Yong-jie;DU Jun-rong*
liu suan qing da mei su c zu fen ce ding fang fa de you hua
he wei zuo ruo bing
The protection effect of arctiin on filtration barrier injury of kidney glomerulus in diabetic nephropathy rats
LIU Dong-lian1;MO Zheng-ji1;MA Song-tao2*;NIU Rui3;LIU Rui-bin4
Research on separating and purifying flavonoid aglycones from the extract of ginkgo biloba leaves
YU Sha;HE Jun*;QIAN Yi-xin;KANG Ji-chuan
Study on the chemical constituents of Solanum torvum
ZHOU Hong-bo1;WANG Feng2;HE Yang1;TANG Jian-ping1;FANG Zhi-jian1*
Study on the samples of Fritillaria cirrhosa,Fritillaria unibratata,Fritillaria przewalskii and Fritillaria delavayi by ~1HNMR-PR
TAN Xiao-yan1;ZHANG Yi2;XIAO Yun-chuan1;XI Zhen1;HUANG Lian1;HUANG Jing1*
The effects of flavonoids from Prinsepia utilis Royle on the pathologic changes of lung in the diabetic mice
Lü Cheng1;2;JIA Ren-yong1;2;YIN Zhong-qiong1;2*;WU Xiao-lan1;ZHANG Ya-xue1
Evaluation of the influence of humidity and temperature on the stability of Vit C by plane single time point experiments
WEI Xiao-ting;LI Lin-li*;TU Li;HAN Xue;RAO Yong-ping;ZHONG Lei;WANG Xiao-yan
Study on the chemical constituents of Adenosma indianum
YA Qi-kang;LU Wen-jie*;CHEN Jia-yuan;TAN Xiao
Anti-tumor effect of Bifidobacterium infantis-mediated sFlt-1 eukaryotic expression system on Lewis lung cancer in mice
DENG Li-cong1;XU Shi-ye2;MAO Shu-hua3;YI Cheng4;HUANG Ying1*
Study on the distribution of silybin lipid emulsion in the mice
ZHANG Xiao-fang1;XU Chao-qun2*;YUAN Zhi-xiang2;ZHANG Qing-lian3;PENG Yue-yun3;ZHU Wen-tao4
Simultaneous determination the contents of honokiol and magnolol in Jiawei Xianglian pills by HPLC
HE Yang1;HUANG Juan-ping2;SUN Yue2*;CHEN Mian-zhou2;YANG Shui-ping2
Influence of lyophilized Radix Astragali powder injection on hemodynamics and blood rheology of rats with myocardial ischemia
WU Dan;JIANG Cong-xun;LIAO Shi-ping;ZHI Mao-hui;YANG Fang-ju*
Pharmacognostic identification of Securinega virosa
LU Hai-lin;GUO Min;WEI Zhi-ying;LI Yue-hong
Comparison of antiviral and antibacterial activity among the different prescriptions of Tanreqing oral liquid
XU Xiao-yue;ZHANG Guang-wei;LI Zhan;ZHANG Li-li
Determination of eugenol in the rat plasma by HPLC
LI Ting-ting;JIANG Xue-hua*
Determination of the related substances in Prednisone acetate tablet by HPLC
HAN Xue-jing;LIU Hong-li;YAN Kai
The effects of rhGH and IFN-γ on the liver protein synthesis and metabolism in the liver cirrhosis rats in vivo
CHEN Yong-hua1;DU Bing-qing1;ZHENG Zhen-jiang1;LIU Xu-bao1;LU Yan-rong2;MAI Gang1*
Effects of DNP on the proliferation and migration of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
NIE Jing;YANG Ling-ye;LIU Jie;LI Li-sheng;YU Li-mei;SHI Jing-shan
The effects of Ferula sinkiangensis essential oil on the withdrawal syndrome of Morphine dependent rats and mice
JIANG Zhong-liang1;WANG Si-si1;WANG Yan-ding2;WANG Shu3;ZHU Ling1*
Study of processing aconitum with myrobalan
YANG Hong-xia1-3;DU Yu-zhi1;2;XIAO Yuan-can1;2;LI Cen1-3;WEI Li-xin1;2*