li zi se pu fa jian ding yan yang jun
Fan Xinjian;Huang Anhua;Zhu Shuyuan;Yang Hong;Yang Zerong Department of Infectious Diseases Chengdu Organic Chemistry institute of Academy of sciences
shi bo ji pu fa ce ding kong qi zhong de hen liang zuo
Sun Chengjun;Yang Zhengwen;Cheng Dayi;Yi Zhenkai;Shen Tiancai;Liu Zhengchuan;Bai Yanbin Department of Sanitary technology Sichuan College of Health Management Administrators Institute of Labour Health and Protection;Panzhihua Iron and Steel Corporation
si chuan sheng zhi li can ji ren chou yang diao cha
Liu Zhen;Liu Guangming;Zhang Ningfang;Wang Huayuan;Luo Wenrui Department of Pediatrics;West China University of Medical Sciences Population Survey Office of Sichuan Province Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital Staff’s Rehabilitation Hospital of Sichuan Province Office of Sampling Survey of Handicapped Children in Sichuan