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Journal of Hexi University
2013 Issue 6
qian wei chang de jiao xue gai ge si xiang yan jiu
liu ren yi ;
Oral Poetics: An Analysis on the Oral Poetry of Western Yugur Language (Part Ⅱ)
Arslan;,Han Jie;,Li Jian-zong;
Analysis of the Evolution and Characteristics of Wuwei Heavy Engraved Paper-cutting
Zhang Guo-rong;,Zhang Yu-ping;
On the Ethical Value and Realistic Significance of Xu Gua
Cheng Jian-gong;
Interpretation of "Bu Yi" in Zhou Yi
Zhang Shao-yu;
On the Alignment of the Western Turkic Khanate and the Byzantium Empire
Wang Zheng-lin;,Zuo Yong-cheng;
The Research into Dragon Boat Festival Customs in Qingyang
Feng Hua-mao;,Feng Xiao-qin;
Research on the Flexible Retirement Age System in China
Li Kai-ming;,Liu Peng-fei;,Qi Heng-jun;,Ran Qiu-xia;
Interpretation of Cultural Connotation in C-E Translation
Dai Gui-zhen;