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Acta Chimica Sinica
2010 Issue 11
Experimental Study on the Reaction between Active Nitrogen with Bromine
Tang Xiaoshuan;Fu Peng;Chen Yuankui;Wang Hongmei;Chu Yannan
Preparation of New Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-Dendritic Poly(l-lysine)s Conjugated with Doxorubicin and Its Controlled Drug Release
Xia Kejia;Sheng Ruilong;Zhu Yingdan;Li Hui;Luo Ting;Xu Yuhong;Cao Amin
Fractal Analysis of Proteins Based on Box Dimension
Peng Xina;Zhang Yuwei;Qi Wei;Su Rongxin;Wu Shaomin;He Zhimin
Density Functional Theory Study on the Dehydration Mechanism of Glycerine
Huang Jinbao;Liu Chao;Wei Shunan;Huang Xiaolu
Preparation and Properties of FeOOH-gelatin Complex Nano-particles
Liu Tianqing;Song Lina
Synthesis of Novel β-Substituted Cationic Porphyrins as Photosensitizer and Their Interactions with DNA
Huang Qimao;Deng Pengxing;Li Zhiyuan;Zhou Hong;Hu Xuelei;Pan Zhiquan
Photocatalytic Degradation of Nitrobenzene with Keggin-type Fe(Ⅲ)-Substituted Heteropolyanion PW11O39Fe(Ⅲ)(H2O)4-
Wang Chongtai;Sun Zhenfan;Hua Yingjie;Hua Shuyan;Zhang Dashuai;Tong Yexiang
Study of the TiO2 Nanofibers Network Microporous Film for Organic Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Feng Xiaoming;Huang Xianwei;Huang Hui;Shen Ping;Zhao Bin;Tan Songting
Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of CH3SH with H2O2 under Atmospheric Conditions
Zhang Shiguo;Bian He;Xia Daohong
Optical Properties and Structures of the Blend of Cellulose Liquid Crystals
Liao Bo;Li Xiaofang
A Novel Acid-base Titration Based on Fiber Refractive Index Sensor Principle
Huang Zhenjian;Tan Chunhua;Huang Xuguang
Specific Release of Bacteriochlorophylls B800 of LH2 from Rhodobacter azotoformans Induced by Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
Dong Yanmin;Cui Xiaohua;Yang Suping;Yue Huiying;Zhao Chungui;Jiao Nianzhi;Qu Yinbo
Study on Electrocopolymerization of o-Toluidine and Anthranilic Acid with in situ UV-vis Spectroscopy
Zhang Guirong;Zhao Shufeng;Liu Xiao;Liu Xiuli;Luo Yanling;Lu Jiaxing
Numerical Simulation of Gas Production from Gas Hydrate Zone in Shenhu Area,South China Sea
Li Gang;Li Xiaosen;Chen Qi;Chen Zhaoyang