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2005 Issue 3
zhong guo hua xue hui tong xun
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of {[Ni(oxbe)]2Mg(H2O)2} ·2DMF·DMA with 2D Superamolecular Structure
Tao Ruojie;Li Fuan;Zang Shuangquan;Mei Chongzhen;Niu Jingyang
Fungal Laccase and its Application of Polymerization of 4-Phenylphenol
Fu Shiyu;Zhou Pandeng
THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Polyring Aromatic Compounds in Solid Phase
Xu Hui;Han Jiaguang;Yu Xiaohan;Ji Te;Zhang Zengyan;Li Qingnuan;Li Wenxin;ZHU Zhiyuan
Synthesis, Crystal Structure of [Zn(dien)2] Cl2· H2O and Catalysis Hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenyl Acetate by its Zn( Ⅱ ) Complexes
Chen Huamei;YUE Fan;Feng Shun;Wang Jide;Yang Hongwei;Liu Aihua;Yu Kaibei
An Available Synthesis of Cyclopropane Derivatives
Li Xiaodong;Fan Xue'e;Zhang Guiying;Chen Qinghua
Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticle by Solid State Reaction and its Influence on Zinc Electrode
Wang Huaqing;Zhou Shangqi;CHEN Changguo
Study on the Difference between Several Anthracycline Antibiotics' Action with DNA by Spectroelectrochemistry
Ding Min;Cheng Guifang;Zhao Jie;He Pingang;Fang Yuzhi
Synthesis and Structure of Ferrocenesulfonyl Benzimidazole Derivatives
Wang Luyao;SHI Zhen
Peptide Nanotubes
Deng Wenye;Qiu Wenyuan
Solvent Suppression in NMR Spectroscopy
Xiao Chaoni;Zhang Xu;Liu Maili;Chang Jianhua
Niobic Acid/Niobium Oxide Properties and Applications in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Li Yingcheng;Yue Bin;Yang Weimin;Xie Zaiku;CHEN Qingling;Yan Shirun;He Heyong
Fluorescein Derivatives Containing Reactive Group
Ge Fengyan;Yan Xilong;Pan Huiying;Zhou Xiaoli;Chen Ligong
Structures, Functions, Properties of Porphyrin Assemblies
Wang Shujun;Ruan Wenjuan;Zhu Zhiang