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Overseas English
2016 Issue 17
ELT Materials Design of a Speaking Unit based on Needs Analysis
LIU Ai-juan;TONG Xing-hong;DU Wen-jing;Beijing University of Chinese Medicine;
Culturally-loaded Chinese Discourse of Gu-qin and Its Inspiration to Translation——Based on a Maxim from a Chinese Classics The Roots of Wisdom
ZHAO Ming;School of Management;China University of Mining and Technology;
er yu xi de yong xian lun zong shu
ding yun xia ;
da xue ying yu fan zhuan ke tang shi jian yan jiu
cong xiu fan ;
ji yu xiang mu de xue xi zai da xue ying yu zhu ti jiao xue zhong de tan suo shi jian
fan sheng zuo ; zheng ling zhen ;
da xue ying yu fan yi jiao xue zhong cun zai de wen ti yu dui ce tan xi
lu ya qin ; zhang xiang ; wang zuo ;
gao zhi xue sheng ying yu xue xi dong ji yan jiu
zhou jun ;
gong zuo ji yi yu ying yu ting li jiao xue
yu ;
A Study of Washback Effect on Nautical English for Second Mate and Third Mate
YANG Wei-xiu;SONG Zhi-ping;Foreign Languages College;Shanghai Maritime University;
cong shun ying lun shi jiao tan xi zhong guo te se zheng zhi shu yu de ying yi
fang rong jie ; zhang li ; ge ling ling ;
lun jian ai zhong de chang ju ying yi han fan yi ji qiao
feng zuo ;
jie shou mei xue shi yu xia gui zhou quan yu lv you wen ben ying yi yan jiu
he han guo ; he zuo jing ;
ruan xiao xi dui wai bao dao de xu shi ce lue
li na ;
tan jiu yong liu ying yi zhong de yi jing ti xian
wang xiang xu ;
yi zhe hua yu quan zhi nv xing zhu yi fan yi de yan jiu
ye xiu jun ; huang ying ni ;
guan lian li lun shi jiao xia de hong lou meng hui mu zhong dian gu de fan yi
zhu li dan ; mao jia zuo ;
A Study on the Back-Translation of LinYutang’s My Country and My People
FU Xue-mei;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
On Translation of Chinese Folk Culture Based on Skopos Theory——A Case Study of Commentary of Folk Custom Gallery in Ningbo Museum
LI Tang;Humanities College;Ningbo Dahongying University;
Translation of The Catcher in the Rye from the Perspective of Skopos Theory——A Case Study of Sun Zhongxu’s Translation Work
YANG Jiao;School of Language and Culture Communications;Shangluo University;
huo shan lian ren zhong sang ta ge si xiang de shi kong biao da yi shu yan jiu
lian zuo yan ; wu guo hua ;
lun bai zao yin zhong de sheng tai lun li si xiang
chen wen li ;
xian gei ai mi li de mei gui de jiao xue qi shi
kang you jin ; hou zuo ;
The Analysis of Mary Barton from the Perspective of Spiritual Ecology
QI Hong-yan;Western Languages and Literature Department of Harbin Normal University;
qian xi de lai sai de zi ran guan yi jia li mei mei wei li
wei meng zuo ;
The Tragic Marriage of the Morel Couple in Sons and Lovers
YUAN Shuai;Beijing Forestry University;
Overview of Studies in Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine
LAN Yun-chun;YU Hui-zhen;School of Foreign Languages;Hanghzou Dianzi University;
In the Face of Death:Analysis of The Snows of Kilimanjaro at Discourse Level
LI Hong-wei;University of International Business and Economics;
Woolf’s “Moments of Being” Represented in The Mark on the Wall
LI Li;School of Translation Studies;Shandong University;
Formalistic Study on Death in the Woods
LIU Yan;Ningxia Justice Police Vocational College;
On the Use of Music in Paul Green’s In Abraham’s Bosom
MIM Min;School of Foreign Languages;Dali University;
Denial of Sartre’s Existentialism in The Time Traveler’s Wife
NIU Li-jun;Henan Institute of Engineering;
The Interpretations of “Mother Images” and Their “Self-Trauma-Healing Mechanism” in Kipling’s War Poetry
Zhang Ji-chun;English Department of Beijing Language and Culture University;
ying han xi yu de wen hua qi yuan ji dui ying hu yi
guo xiao yan ;
biao ji xing zai guang gao zhong de shua xin zuo yong
huang zuo ;
mu de yuan ze xia de fa ting hua yu zhong zhong yin de yu yong gong neng yan jiu
jin hong ; ma ze jun ;
lun xian dai han yu zi mu wai lai ci de te dian ji zuo bian
li cheng jing ; deng tian wen ;
jackendoff de ci hui cun chu yu zai xian gou jian guan
ren mei ling ; kang guang ming ;
cong yu yi guan xi jiao du fen xi ying yu de wei wan yu
yin cheng zhu ;
zhong wai xin wen mei ti guo ji kong nan shi gu bao dao yu liao dui bi yan jiu
zhang yi yin ; tu qing ;
On the Grammatical Unaccountability of English Lexical Collocation from the Perspective of Pragmatics
DONG Zhao-feng;School of Foreign Languages;Henan University of Urban Construction;
Basic Color Terms “Black” and “White” Cognitive Semantic Analysis
TANG Chun-yue;College of Foreign Languages of Yanbian University;
To Be,or Not to Be:Comparison of Oedipus the King and Hamlet the Prince of Denmark as Tragedies
WANG Yi-lin;Jingcheng College of Sichuan University;
Kundulun Speech Community and Variation Study
WU Xiao-qing;Foreign Language School;Inner Mongolia University of Science and Tchnology;
Perception of English Tense and Lax Vowel Contrasts in Chinese Learners of English
YUAN Qin;Department of English;School of Foreign Languages;Sanya University;Department of Linguistics;School of Humanities;University of Victoria;
Analysis of Metaphor in Everyday Discourse in Chinese Culture——Taking “人生如戏” for Example
ZHANG Xiao-li;YANG Yan;Nanhang Jincheng College;
Researches on Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching
ZHAO Zhen-ying;Foreign Language Department of Shenyang Normal University;
Analysis of Relationship in A Passage to India under the Appraisal Theory
ZHU Jia-yan;Gui Zhou Normal University;
The Washback Effect of Automated Essay Scoring on Undergraduates
HUANG Dao-yu;YAO Hui;Foreign Languages College;Yancheng Teachers University;
Language Learning and Teaching with You Tube in EFL Context
WANG Fei;Shangluo University;
The Exploration of Intercultural Education in College
WANG Qin;Foreign Language Teaching Department;Nanchang Business College of Jiangxi Agricultural University;
Communicative Language Teaching and Its Application in China’s Context
YANG Mei-ying;ZHOU Xing-zuo;North Sichuan Medical College;Renmin University of China;
A New Look at an Old Issue:A Review on College Student Employment in the United States
YiXi DanZeng;School of tourisim and foreign languages;Tibet University;
How to Promote Learner-Learner Scaffolding in ESL Classroom
ZHOU Yue;Office of International Exchange and Cooperation;Guizhou Minzu University;
A Brief Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching
JIN Fan;Shandong University;
Evaluation of Communicative Approach in the College English Listening Course
BAO Sha-sha;College of Foreign Languages;Guizhou University;
An Introduction of English Language Education in China:from Theory to Practice
SHEN Qian;School of Foreign Language;Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;