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Overseas English
2014 Issue 7
Theoretical Support for and Application of Integrating English Movies and TV Series to College English Teaching
PENG Jian-e;College of Liberal Arts;Shantou University;
mo tai dui er yu yu pian li jie zhong ren zhi fu he de ying xiang
gu zuo yi ; yin na ;
The Teaching of Oral English in the Perspective of World Englishes——Which is first, Fluency or Accuracy?
YU Yun-wei;School of Foreign Languages;Xinyang Normal University;
The Analysis of Sports Film Through the Adaptation Theory——Take Film Glory Road as an Example
ZHANG Tian-xia;WANG Heng;Tianjin University of Sport;
Modality Effects on Second Language Incidental Vocabulary Learning
GU Qi-yi;LI Shan-shan;School of Foreign Studies;Jiangnan University;
The Influence of Mother Language Thinking on Second Language Acquisition
JING Li-qin;School of Foreign Laguages in Zhejiang Gongshang University;
A Study of the Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences by Chinese English Majors
LI Geng-chun;WEN Li;School of Foreign Languages;Zhejiang Radio & TV University;North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power;
Development Opportunity for ESP under the Course Module of MOOC
QIAN Min-juan;School of Foreign Languages;Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine;
lun jiao ji yu yan jiao xue
tian yan fei ;
Metacognitive Approach to Listening Instruction: Theory and Practice
WANG Wei-li;Department of Foreign Languages;Northwest A&F University;
lun cheng ren he er tong zai er yu xi de shang de cha yi
zhang zuo ;
On the Analysis of Negation in English Teaching
zhu hong ;
zhong zhi xue jiao zhuan ye ying yu kou yu de jiao xue tan jiu
chen jian lian ;
On Infusing Art of Crosstalk into College English Classroom Teaching
LI Shu-jing;City College of Science and Technology;Chongqing University;
jing yan yu yue du 2a2c yue du fa
liu jun ;
On Humanistic Quality of Foreign Language Teachers in Colleges and Universities
NIU Yue-hui;The Department of Foreign Languages of North China Electric Power University;
gao zhi ying yu hu dong mo shi de gou jian
tan xiao yu ;
da xue ying yu fan yi jiao xue de wen ti yu dui ce
wu xue ;
Task-based English Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of Dynamic Need Analysis
WAMG Guo-hui;Shaanxi Technical College of Finance and Economics;
qian tan da xue sheng ying yu xue xi zhong de wen hua zhang ai
zhang ye chun ;
ji yu wan shan da xue ying yu fen ji jiao xue de si kao
deng wen xi ;
The Construction of Efficient College English Class Based on Task-based Teaching
BAI Pei-hua;Dalian Art College;
Dual Focus on Form and Meaning in Task-based Oral English Teaching
LIN Yi;Qi Jian-ping;MA Xin-ying;College of Science;Information Engineering University;Institute of Information Technology;Information Engineering University;
The Choice of Effective Vocabulary Learning Strategies
LIU Jian-fang;Baotou Teachers’ College;
Some Suggestions for College Students to Improve Listening
MIAO Qin;Aba Teachers College;
Translation Loss and Compensation under Cultural Default Situation——A Case on the Culture of Chinese Lian&He
ZHAO Su-mei;Adelihazi·Biekemuhan;School of Foreign Studies of Hefei University of Technology;
Translators’ Style Awareness in Fiction Translation
FAN Ling-feng;School of Foreign Languages;Fuzhou University;
Transmission of the Original Flavor in Poetry Translation
KONG Jun-wen;TianJin Chengjian University;
zhou shan zuo ji wan yu cun jing qu fan yi de chu bu tan jiu
li qiu ye ; li ya zuo ;
Neologies and Its Translation Strategy in Fantasy Movies and Literature
LI Yuan-fan;School of Foreign Languages;Wuhan Textile University;
A Study on News Text Translation from the Cognitive Perspective——Based on Conceptual Blending Theory
LING Hong;ZHOU Jun;ZHANG Meng-su;Anhui Foreign Languages University;
The Comparison of The Internet Catchphrases’ Translation
liu jian ying ;
ji yu yu liao ku tan sheng nv de fan yi
long zai bo ;
Analysis of two English Versions of Poems in Hong Lou Meng:from the Perspective of Schema Theory
PAN Hua-ju;English College;Jiaxing University;
Cultural Connotation and Translation of English Proverbs
peng zuo ;
On the Humor Translation in Subtitling of American Sitcom
SHI Yang;College of Foreign Language;Zhejiang Gongshang University;
Translation of “Chengguan” in the Approach of Pragmatic Equivalence
WANG Tao;School of Interpreting and Translation Studies;SISU;
Lexical Characteristics of English Legislative Language and Implications for C-E Translation
WANG Wen-xia;Zhuhai Campus of Zunyi Medical University;
Research on Common Problems in English-Chinese Translation of Higher Vocational Colleges Students
XUE Jie;Department of International Economy and Trade;Tianjin Land Resources and Houses Vocational College;
cong gong neng dui deng jiao du kan shang wu ying yu fan yi
liu xia yan ;
An Analysis of Eileen Chang’s Translation of The Old Man and the Sea From the Perspective of Functional Equivalence
ZENG Jing-jing;The Second Artillery Engineering University;
Application on A Bite of China in College English Translation Teaching
ZHAI Xiao-li;College English Teaching Department;Hunan University of Science and Engineering;
Study on the C-E Translation of Folk Songs in Perspective of XYZ’s Three Beauty Theory
ZHU Yuan-yuan;School of International Studies;Zhejiang University;
Company Profiles Translation in China-ASEAN Exposition Based on Text Typology
QIN Hui;foreign language college;Guangxi University of Finance and Economics;
Analysis of The Story of An Hour
cao yu qin ;
hu xiao shan zhuang de xu shi yi shu yan jiu
chang shi zuo ;
qian xi wa er de ma xian sheng bing li zhi zhen xiang de dian fu xing
chen zhi feng ;
The Comparison between the Sublime and Dao
cui zuo zuo ;
A Psychoanalytic Reading of Celie in The Color Purple
cai pei lin ;
Slender’s Contribution to Sir John Falstalf and the Merry Wives of Windsor
LI Dong-zhu;Dehong Teachers’ College;
Naturalism in“To build a Fire”
li jin ;
A Comparative Study on Different Fates between Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu
lin dong mei ; zhao hui ;
cong tuo ni mo li sen zuo pin kan fei yi mei guo ren de xin li zi you hua jin cheng
liu zuo lu ; wang yan ; li en qing ; chi li xia ;
Saul Bellow’s Adherence and Breakthrough to Jewish Tradition
liu xiao yan ;
The Death and Life in the Poem Ode to A Nightingale
mu nian ;
dian ying cheng chang jiao yu de fu ke quan li li lun shi jie du
peng ming zhu ;
Analysis of T.S Eliot’s The Waste Land
tu yan ;
On the Symbolism in Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown
WANG Qiong;Harbin Normal University;
Women in Angela Carter’s Stories——Taking The Bloody Chamber as an example
zhang liu yun ; cheng zuo ;
On the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
ZHANG Meng-meng;Nanjing Communications Institute of Technology;
yong luo lan ba te de fu hao xue qian xi yi zuo lin
han yi ;
shi xi ying mei wen hua dui zhong guo chuan tong wen hua de chong ji
song xiao chuan ;
Metaphor and English Vocabulary Teaching
CAO Dan-wei;School of Foreign Study;Anhui Normal University;
Rethinking the Relationship Between Language and Culture
CHEN Ai-song;College of Foreign Languages;Nankai University;
Elementary Analysis of the Bible Linguistic Art
chen yue ting ;
ji yu yu liao ku de ying yu ti yu xin wen yan jiu
cui liu ;
Study on the Length of Lateral /l/ in English Words Ending with“-ling”
GAO Li-qun;Beijing City University;
The Cognitive Study of the Interaction between English Progressive Construction and Verbs
GU Xiao-qin;School of Foreign Studies;Nantong University;
Research on Generic Sentence from Philosophy of Mind Perspective
HAN Yu;LIU Jing-xia;Foreign Language College of China Three Gorges University;
The Analysis of the Interpersonal Function in Obama’s Election Victory Speech in 2012
HU Ting-ting;School of Foreign Languages;China University of Geosciences;
Cross-Cultural Analysis on Apologies
LIU Heng;FAN Ming;CAO Ji-bin;Beijing University of Agriculture;
A Brief Analysis of Mobile Advertisement from the Multi-modal Perspective
LIU Jing;College of Foreign Language and Literature;Northwest Normal University;
Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Designing Poems——A Case Study of “Moment Bloom”
SUN Jian;Tianjin Foreign Studies University;
A Contrastive Study on Metaphorical Meaning of Numbers in English and Chinese
WANG Xiao-fen;College of Foreign Languages;Northwest Normal University;
yu ma zhuan huan yan jiu zong shu
xu yang yang ;
A Review of the Development of Systemic-Functional Grammar
ZHANG Jing;School of Foreign Languages of Shanxi University;
Similarities and Differences of Anaphoric Pronoun in Chinese and English
zhao dan dan ; yuan fu ; zhang han ;
Chinese New-coined Words Management in P.R.C
zhao peng ; liu zuo qun ;
shi lun ying yu fang wei jie ci de dong tai xing he lian xu xing
zhou chun zuo ;
ying yu zhong han yu jie ci de yin su fen xi
zhou zuo ;
Why Study in Australia?
DING Li-li;Sydney Institute of Language & Commerce;Shanghai University;
Analysis of Chinglish in Chinese-English Translated lyrics
yin bi zuo ;
English as an International Language and English Teaching in China
YUAN Yuan;Foreign Language School;Yunnan Normal University;