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Overseas English
2014 Issue 19
Positive Effect of Learning Assessment Reformon Teaching & Learning
CHEN He-rong;QIN Hong-huai;School of Foreign Studies;Guangzhou University;
The Culture Introduction into English Listening Teaching in Higher Vocational College
WEN Rui-ying;Hunan Traditional Chinese Medical College;
jiu dian ying yu ke cheng bao jian she dui xue sheng ke cheng xue xi de ying xiang fen xi
xie lin ; wang jing ; he dong mei ;
The Core of TBLT:Task Difficulty and Grading Tasks
PENG Hui;College of Humanities and Social Sciences;National University of Defense Technology;
English Teaching Strategies in Higher Vocational College Based on M-Learning
CUI Yuan;Hunan Chemical Vocational Technology College;
Differences Between First and Second Language Acquisition and Implications for Foreign Language Teachers
KONG Yuan;Departmet of Foreign Languages;Jining Medical University;
jian gu xin xi xing he wen hua xing gao xiao efl ke tang jiao xue huan jing tan tao
shi zhi hua ; cheng hai teng ; chen zuo jing ;
The Study on Western Culture Penetration in Vocational English Classes
WANG Yang;WANG Ling;Changchun Automobile Industry Institute;Aviation University of Air Force;
The Cohesion of Task-based Language Teaching in College English and in Senior English Teaching
YANG Qin;Department of Language and Law;Taihu University of Wuxi;
Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching
zhou li ;
Main Problems of College English Writing and the Method Design
ZENG Wei;Hezhou University;
A Survey and Research on Culture Penetration in Higher Vocational English Teaching for non-English Majors
CHEN Ling;JIANG Ling;XIA Ling-yun;LI Zhi;Hubei Radio & TV University;
Optimizing the Leadership Styles and Establishing a New Teacher-Student Relationship
CHEN You;HONG Wen-jing;Foreign Language Department;Guangdong University of Science and Technology;
Questioning Strategies of English Teachers
li mei ;
The Differences and Complementarities between Domestic and Foreign Ways of Thinking in English Teaching
PAN Qin;Guizhou Industry Polytechnic College;
The Empirical Research on the Results of Cultural Teaching in the Perspective of Listening and Audio-visual Reform
WANG Yi-ming;Qiqihar University College English Department;
The Practice and Research on English Newspaper Reading in College English Class
WEI Yu;Nanhang Jincheng College;
An Analysis of Cultural Obstacles on English Learning
wei li li ;
xiao yi da xue ying yu fen ji jiao xue
yu zuo ;
Analysis on the influence of China English Development on College English Teaching in 21st Century
ZHANG Wen-jing;People’s Armed College of Nanjing Normal University;
The Study on the English Teaching in Military College and Universities
ZHAO Miao;School of Telecommunication and Engineering;PLA University of Science and Technology;
Discussion on Cultural Teaching of Russian Teaching in College
CHEN Jian-ming;College of Foreign Languages;Hexi University;
Rethinking Task-designing in Writing Class for English Major
HU Ying;Chengdu University of TCM;
Cultivation of Inter-cultural Communication Competence and Business English Teaching
KE Hui-juan;College of Foreign Languages Studies;Hainan University;
Retrospect and Prospect of Reflective English Teaching Research
LI Yan;School of Foreign Languages;GNNU;
A Study on the Reference Problems in English Majors’ Graduation Papers
YU Jie;YANG Jie;College English Department;Henan University;
The Current Situation of Cultivatiing English Mjors’ Critical Thingking Skills and Solutions to the Problem
ZHONG Dou-mei;LIU Jian-fang;Baotou Teachers’ College;
The Empirical Research on the CET-4 Listening Comprehension Test of the Vocational Students
LIU Lin-xian;YAO Xiao-cui;Foreign Language Department;Wuhan College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Affairs;
mu de lun guan zhao xia de mei guo qing jing xi ju you mo yu yan fan yi chu tan yi po chan jie mei wei li
gao zuo ; duan yu ; zhang zuo ; mou jing zuo ;
Imagery Change in Chinese-English Poetry Translation
HAN Lin;Tianjin Youth Professional College;
Preliminary Study on Translation Quality Assessment of Fuzzy Language in China
GONG Xiao-bin;JIN Lan;School of Foreign Studies;Jiangnan University;
A Study of the Translation of Automobile Trademark
liu shuo ;
Different Features between English and Chinese Language and Translation Practice
LUO Sheng-hua;Yangtze University College of Arts and Sciences;
qian xi ling fan yi li lun zai wang luo ci hui fan yi zhong de ying yong
luo yi xia ; qin wei ;
On Application of Parallel Texts in C-E Translation of Cover Letter
QIAO Jie;School of Foreign Languages;Fuzhou University;
Translator’s Subjectivity in Translation of Film Subtitles
SHENG Xue-ying;School of Foreign Languages of Hankou University;
Restructuring and Rewriting:Two Justified C-E Translation Tactics for Publicity Materials about Chinese Cities
ZHANG Hong-tao;SONG Jie-yan;School of Foreign Languages;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;School of Economics and Management;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
National Cultural Psychology in the Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs
SUN Jing;College of Foreign Studies;Nanjing Agricultural University;
An Analysis of the Translation Strategies of the Two Versions of Vanity Fair:A Polysystem Theory Perspective
SUN Xiao-chen;Tianjin University of Technology;
Translation Strategies of Metaphors in Advanced English
XU Wei;English Department;Hubei University of Chinese Medicine;
cong ying han yu yan si wei cha yi kan han yi ying
deng zuo xi ;
da ying jiao xue yu xue sheng fan yi neng li de pei yang
sheng wen hui ;
An Interpretation of the Intercultural Sensitivity
Davide Melia;
Solving Nabokov’s Chess Problem——A Clarification on the Misreading of The Original of Laura
LIN Yan-hong;Fujian Normal University;
On the Comparison of Aristotle and Nietzsche from the Perspective of Their Tragedy Theories
MENG Li-fang;Foreign Languages Department;Guilin Institute of Tourism;
Analyzing "The Other" of Orientalism in The Joy Luck Club
SHI Tian-ying-hong;Northeast Forestry University;
A Main Characters Reading on Hawthorne’s the Scarlet Letter from the Historical Background Angle
SUN Ying;Yongcheng Vocational College;
Irving’s Ambivalence toward the “New” America in “Rip VanWinkle”
Beijing Foreign Studies University;
The Alienated Plot in The End of the Road
wang li na ;
Three Phases of a Person’s Ruin:After watching the Movie Rice
yan zuo ; leng xiao li ;
cong wo di hai kan xu zhi mo xiao shuo fan yi de shi yi hua
yue lin ;
Humors in Rip Van Winkle
zhang bo ;
The Construction and Interpretation of Exotic Lands in Lost Horizon from the Perspective of Orientalism
ZHANG Yan-ju;Foreign Language School of Kunming College;
zhong xue ying yu kua wen hua yi shi pei yang diao cha yan jiu
zhou juan ; he xia ; cheng rui zuo ;
A Stylistic Analysis of the Narrative Mode in A Rose for Emily
chang hai ge ;
qian xi shao ma peng zhong nv xing ren wu de qu cong xing ( ying wen )
chen xi ; wu lan xiang ;
Heterotopias in Tess of D’Urbervilles
School of Foreign Languages and Literature;Beijing Normal University;
A Study of Culture in Workplace Based on the Pragmatic Politeness Principles of Gu Yueguo
BAO Xian-zhi;Foreign Language School;Zheijang Gongshang University;
On the Self-enrichment Speech in Correspondence of Foreign Trade
HUANG Yong-quan;Jiangmen Polytechnic;
Analyzing the Persuasive Effects of the Sermon Eternal Intercessor with Rhetoric Theories
JIANG Ying;Department of English;City University of HongKong;
ge lun si di la de ri chang hua yu wen ben fen xi shu ping
li ya pei ;
The Comparison and Analysis of Voice in English Abstract in Chinese and Foreign Electric Power Papers
LIU Jiao;ZHENG Rong-ying;LIU Hui;North China Electric Power University;
A Study on the Cognitive Mechanism of Idioms from the Perspective of Culture and Metaphor——A Case Study of Animal Idioms
LONG Tian-jiao;WEI Lan;Ningbo College of Health Sciences;Sun Yat-sen University;
Rhetorical Features of English Football News
PAN Zhen;College of Foreign Languages;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Students’ Expectation and Application of Schema Theory to English Teaching in Vocational Colleges
PANG Jun-ping;China Ocean University Qingdao;
An Analysis of the Code-Switching in Ethnic Universities from the Perspective of Ecolinguistics
PENG Xue-xiu;Department of Basic Education of Aba Teachers College;
Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Cuisine:From Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese
QI Cong-ni;Foreign Language School of Jingchu University of Science and Technology;
A COCA-based Study of English Synonym:Small and Little
SHI Hui-ping;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
The Analysis of Telicity of the Serial Verb Construction of "V1着V2" in Mandarin Chinese
SHI Ya-hui;School of Foreign Languages and Literature;Beijing Normal University;
The Literature form of Dictionary Typology——Reflection on Ma Qiao Dictionary
SUI Qian;TianJin Foreign Studies;
ying ri han yu bi jiao jie gou de bi jiao yan jiu
yang shui jing ;
The Analysis of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory
YANG Xue;REN Pei-hong;Henan University of Science and Technology;
A Study of the Meaningful Construction of Mental Schema in English Reading Comprehension
ZHANG Jing;School of Foreign Languages;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
ying yu ren cheng zhi shi yu de wen hua yin yu
zou rong hua ; zou qing hua ;
The Difference between Chinese and American Higher Education System
XU Xin;XIE Xi-nong;College of Resources;China University of Geosciences;
The Firewood in Memory
ZHAO Xin;Department of History;Teachers College;Qingdao University;