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Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
2004 Issue 2
The Rite Culture Angle of the Papaya in the Book of Songs
jiang lin ; tong qiong
The Debate on the Explanation of Guanju
sun gui ping
An Overview of Confucianism Classics and Related Issues
chen shu guo
A Survey of Economic Early-Warning Models
wang yao zhong ; hou jun jun ; liu zhi zhong
An Empirical Study on the Performance of Diversifications by the Listed Companies in China
qin zheng ; chen shou ; zou jian jun
Contributions of Capital Market to Economic Growth in China
hu zong yi ; ning guang rong
Research on China's Planned Labor Allocation System
li ya bo
On the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Commercial Banks
wang zhong ; li ping
On the Development Strategies of University Libraries at the Internet Era
tu xiang bo ; li chen
Kant's Category in Freedom and Its Esthetic Sense
liu ze min ; chen ke ke
Qi and the Chinese Aesthetic Manner
huang bai qing ; li zuo lin
Three Issues Questioning the Environmental Ethics Science
li cheng zong
Liang Shuming's Nationalist Thought and Its Logic Process
chen xian chu ; zuo ai min
On Shortage of Our Administrative Hearing
liu shi ping ; xiao yan hui
Pi-Lu's Personalities and Their Comradeship
li fu biao
Has the Reportage's Critique Abdicated
zhang luo sheng ; yang jian hua