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Spacecraft Engineering

2011 Issue 2
Remote Sensing Applications in Qinghai Yushu Earthquake Monitoring and Assessment
YANG Siquan;LIU Sanchao;WU Wei;WANG Lei;XU Feng;HE Haixia;ZHANG Wei;WEN Qi;TANG Tong;CUI Yan
Development and Application of Data Communication Microsatellite Constellation System
ZONG Ke;CAO Guixing;YAN Zhongwen
Analysis of Space Platform Capability Development Tendency
LIU Yongjian;TAN Chunlin;LIU Yuqiang
Profiling the Atmosphere Refractivity Using the Airborne GNSS Radio Occultation Sounding
LI Xiao;ZHANG Xunxie;LI Ye;WANG Shuo;LI Xingguo;LU Tiejun
Study on Focusing Technique for Space Optical Camera
YANG Yongbin
Design of Ground Preprocessing System for Spaceborne Hyperspectral Imager Data
KANG Qian;YU Jin;LIN Jun
Study on Design Method of Landing Gear for Lunar Lander
ZENG Fuming;YANG Jianzhong;MAN Jianfeng;ZHU Wang;XU Qinghua;LUO Min
Design of a Kind of OBDH Simulator Used in Spacecraft Flight Control Drilling
Thermal Design and Test for Power Amplifier
WANG Lei;WEN Yaopu
xin xi dong tai
Preliminary Design of the Constellation Distribution for a Proposed Mars GNSS
HAN Tingting;SHI Xian;JIAN Nianchuan;FENG Laiwu;PING Jinsong
Satellite Attitude Determination Algorithm Based on Gyro and Star-sensor
BIAN Zhiqiang;CHENG Weiqiang;XUE Xiaobu;YU Yongjiang
Analysis on Selection Considerations of Lunar Exploration Mission Reentry Landing Site
MIN Xuelong;PAN Teng;GUO Hailin
Review of SELENE Lunar Mission and Suggestion for China\'s Lunar and Planetary Exploration
ZHENG Yongchun;ZOU Yongliao;FU Xiaohui