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Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
2016 Issue 5
Filial Piety in The Family Instruction of Master Yan
LIU Shengmei;
xin xi dong tai
Zeng Guofan's Family Instruction Thoughts and Methods
QI Weihong;
Six Relations in Village Governance Researches
ZHAO Xiuling;
shang shan xia xiang yun dong de zhong jie yu zhong guo gai ge de kai qi
zheng peng ;, zhang zuo ;, li yi jun ;
Evolution of Chinese Doggerel from Ancient to Present
LI Liangzi;
Xu Zhenqing's View of Construction of Aesthetic Subject
jing dian shi wen zhong zi yin yi bian
shen hong yu ;, guo jian bin ;
hai guo tu zhi zai ying yu shi jie shou ci yi jie yan jiu
man dan nan ;, li hai jun ;, zhao bi ;, li jie zuo ;
Research Review about the standard in TCSL field
HAO Bing;
wai yu ke cheng de hou xian dai zhu yi ying she
bai zhen xian ;