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Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
2006 Issue 6
guan yu chang de shu yi ji qi kong zhi fang an de bao gao
wang shi heng ; zhang hua
On the Historic Study of Development Outlook
YAN Xiao-feng
wei wu bian zheng fa shi ye zhong de he xie she hui gou xiang
huang ye ying ; luo hui yuan ; liu ge de
On the Great Development of Literature and Art in China since the New Period
ZHU Li-yuan;SUN Shi-cong;LIU Kai
The Moral Orientation and the Bakhtin's Theory of Body
QIN Yong
"City" and "Country": the Ecological Meaning in Yu Jian's Poems
ZHANG Wen-gang
The Verification On Yin Keng's Hometown
LIANG Song-cheng
On Chinas Legal Countermeasures to Green Trade Barrier
WU Xiao-ming
On the Teaching Method of Philosophic Question
ZHENG You-cheng
Retention Technique
LEI Zhi-min;LIU Kai-jun;LI Hai-jun
On the Spirits of Teachers in New Times
QU Xiao-chu
On the Construction of Non-Party Representative Organizations
HAN Long-fu
lun zeng qiang gao xiao xian jin xing jiao yu huo dong shi xiao de fang fa ji cuo shi
xiong cheng qun ; qin nai zuo
On the New Idea of the Exploration of Hunan Rural Tourismin 21 Century
YANG Zai-tian;DONG Ming-hui
Origin Studies on the Supervision Patterns of American Constitution
ZHANG Guang-zheng;HUANG Hong