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Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University
2012 Issue 4
Strongly Gorenstein Projective and Injective Complexes
ZHANG Dong-dong;OUYANG Bai-yu
Properties of a Subclass Meromorphic Multivalent Functions
A Fast Algorithm to Nonlocal Mixed Noise Filter MNF
LUO Xiao-jun;WANG Shi-xiu;LI Bing
On Aliphatic Ketone's Solubilities and Their Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients: A New Topological Method
ZHOU Chang-hui;WU Qi-xun;HOU Qing-gao;ZHAO Chang-qiu
A Method of Partial Shi Based on Transforming Vague Value into Fuzzy Value
WANG Wan-jun;LI Heng-jie
Edge Detection Based on Pixel Gray Correlation
XU Wu-sheng;XIE Ke-fu
Preparation and Assay of Polyclonal Antibody of Blood Development Marker Gene Mrj in Drosophila Melanogaster
LEI Min-yin;YANG Zhe;HUANG Ting;LIU Dan;LI Yong-qing;WU Xiu-shan
Design of Low Power Active RFID Tag Based on IEEE802.15.4
TAO Wei-ge;JIA Zi-yan;QIAN Zhi-wen
Histopathologic Observation on Septicemia of Ictaclurus Punctatus
DAI Zhen-yan;WANG Rong-hua;LI Quan-sheng;LIU Xiao-yan;XIAO Tiao-yi;LUO Fang-xing;CHEN Dong-xiang
Acetalization of Carbonyl Compounds with Diols Catalyzed by InCl3·4H2O
DENG Gui-sheng;REN Tie-gang
Relationship Between the Population Dynamics and Their Habitat Change of the Wintering Black-Necked Crane in Dashanbao
GAO Xing-guo;WANG Lei;SANG Zheng-lin;TIAN Hong;WANG Shi-min;LIU Jian-jun
Phytoplankton Flora Composition and Water Quality Evaluation of Xiangjiang River in Changsha
ZHANG Xiao;XIAO Ling;LIU Ying-di;DU Ting-ting;CONG Yi-yan
Characteristics and Formation Processes of Different Soil Types in Jiuyi Mountains Nature Reserve
YU Xia;TAN Chang-yin;YU Xun-lin;DENG Xue-jian;YANG Dao-de;SUN Hua;MI Yan-yan
A Study on the Dose-Rate of Holocene Sediment in the Middle Part of the Loess Tableland
MI Xiao-jian;HUANG Chun-chang;ZHOU Ya-li
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