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Journal of Henan Institute of Financial Management
2006 Issue 3
Significant Enlightenment for the Debate of "Undervaluing"
ZHENG Liang-fang
Reforming and Opening of China's Banking Industry and Finance Safety
WANG Yuan-long;CAO Xue-feng
Development Course of deposit insurance system of the USA
TANG Sheng-yu
Problems of China's Finance and Countermeasures
XIE Tai-feng
Neutral or Non-neutral Nature of Money: Theory Comments
CUI Jian-jun
An Analysis on the Boundary of Agriculture Policy Finance
DONG Qing-ma;XIANG Tian-yan
On Risk Culture Construction in Policy Banks
TIAN Yong-qiang;DONG Wei-na
guo wai qi huo yu qi quan jiao yi de xin shi jian ji qi shi
wang zuo de
Nature of Guarantee Insurance Contract and its Legal Application
XING Pei-quan
ying xiang yin xing ye yi fa shou dai de huan jing fen xi
ren qi jun
ji yu cheng ben shi jiao dui guan li hui ji kuang jia ti xi de zhong xin si kao
li yu zhou ; nie qiao ming
qiang hua nong cun xin yong she cheng ben guan li tan xi
liu ming
qi shi