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Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic
2014 Issue 4
Design of Intro-row Mechanical Weeding Control System Based on Smart Camera
HU Lian;,LIN Chao-xing;,XU Yi;,YANG Wei-wei;
The Design of Temperature Controlling Speed System Based on Siemens PLC
GUO Qiong;,LI Cheng-chun;
Analysis on Air Quality in Guangzhou by ARIMA Model
LIN Zhi-lin;,MO Bin;
SBR Activated Sludge Process Advances in Sewage Treatment
FU Jian-yu;
Thought on Enhancing Entity Channel Sales Ability in 4G Era
SU Xian-ke;
Study over the Application of Definite Integral in Economics
GUO Wei-wei;
Metaphor and the Color“Black”with its Metaphorical Meanings
GUI Yong-xia;
Rhetoric Factors in Making the Lantern Riddles
LU Qian;
On Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Surname
ZHANG Jin-jie;
Research on Construction of College Self-organization Under Network Sub-culture
LI Xiang-dong;,YUAN Ting;
On Marxist View of Religion
WU Bing;
On“Spiritual Drift”Theme of EDickinson Repil Luxe
Teachers’Deixis Empathy and Its Function in Class
CHENG Xiao-min;
Life Concerns in College Moral Education
LIU Hai-ying;
Thinking on General Education in Taiwan Vocational Colleges
ZHU Qing-xi;