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Journal of Hunan Mass Media Vocational Technical College
2004 Issue 1
qian tan shi xian ji dian shi tai de ban tai ce lue
wang yong chun
Political Logic and Commercial Utility
mao sheng
On Supplementary Issues
chen can hua ; zhang zeng rong
gao zhi jiao yu jiao xue fang fa zuo dai gai jin
jiang zuo sha
ma ke si zhu yi xin wen si xiang gai lun chu ban
li xiao dong
dang bao san ti
dang bao ding wei xin lun
qian yi gao xiao qing shang jiao yu de jin po xing
liu ya lin
qi ye ji tuan cai wu guan li qian yan wen ti tan tao
liu lin
qu yu jin rong yi ti hua yan jiu de fang fa yan jiu
zeng sai hong ; cai jian long
Reflections on the Signature Authority in News Editing
luo zhuo qun
The Development of the Chinese Newspaper Supplement
yuan nu hua ; wang can fa
Narration, Teleplay Narration and Their Aesthetic Value
huang qing
Weather Information and the Serviceability of Newspapers
long li fei
A Review of the "Using and Satisfied" Theory in Communication Studies
cai zuo ; liu wei hong
On the Essence of News Value
yan dao cheng
On the Features of the Four Media Forms
li chun mei
On the Development Strategy of the Party Newspapers of the Municipalities in Western China
yang hong sen ; yang zhi yong ; wang cheng wu ; yi gui ting ; li tang ; zhou hai yan
An Analysis of the Diffusing Advantages of Formalistic Advertisements
zhang xi zhen ; chen pei ai
On MMA Education
zhang yi lian
On the Educational Function of the Mass Media
liu jing lin