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Hunan Electric Power
2004 Issue 4
fan yi zi xun fu wu
Computer-Based Power System Security Analysis
liu jie
Building Advanced Hunan Electric Power Security Culture
he sheng liang
Study of the Anti-Interference Measures of the Four Remote Devices in Substations
zeng wei guang ; liang yun hua
The Plasma Ignition Combustion System and Its Operation Analysis
liu qing zuo ; guo bin ; zeng ting hua
Study of Ensi Power Network Reactive Power Compensation
zhou qing shan ; xiang tie yuan ; luo ya
Switching Mode Analysis of Internal-Bridge Connected Automatic Standby Power Supply
peng cui fang ; li chao zuo ; zhao yong sheng
An Active Power Filter and Its Simulation
lin tian shun
Application of Explicit Iteration Integration Method with Implicit Performance
liu tang wei ; wu zheng qiu ; kuang wen kai ; qin hong san ; pan li qiang ; tang wai wen
Some Issues and Improvements of Water-Leading Bearing in Shatian Hydroelectric Power Station
yuan tong sheng ; zhong ya ping
Fault Analysis and Treatment of Generator Stator Winding
ji tian hua