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Hunan Electric Power
2001 Issue 1
Emulation and Simulation Experiment Research on the Collision Occurring in the Rotator System
zou xin yuan ; lu xu xiang ; jiang hua ; zhang chao ; tang yue qing ; liu ze li
Numerical Simulation Research on the N0x Generated by the Coal Fired Boilers in a Large Scale Electric Power Station
huang wei ; xiong wei li ; gong bai yun ; zeng han cai ; zhu quan li ; xiao li sheng
Reasoning the Model Selection of the Powder Making System in Zhuzhou Power Plant
guo cai ying ; zhang shan
Analysis and Countermeasure to the Snag to the Steam Turbine's Safety
liao mei ; wang li jing
The Feasibility and Advantage of Managing the 125MW Units Using 300MW Unit Mode
yu wen biao ; chen bai lin
The Active X Technology Using in Developing Distributing Control Systems
xie guo sheng ; xiao da chu ; zhang shi rong ; huang fang