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Fire Control & Command Control
2004 Issue 5
Networking Research on High Frequency Communicaton
zhang hai yong ; yu bo
Assessing the Effectiveness of Weapon System Based on Rough Set Theory
gao shang ; han bin ; wu xiao jun ; liu tong ming
The Research on Transfer Alignment of SINS on Air-borne Multi-Target Attacking System(AMTAS)
zhang yi zuo ; zhang hong jian ; zhang kun
Bayes Information Fusion Method Used in the Radar Fault Diagnosis
gan chuan fu ; huang yun hua
The Gray Model and Application about How to Select the Best Advance Route for Tank Elements
li zhi gang ; wang zhong yi ; qu yang
Testability Research in Army Missile Weapon System
feng zhen sheng ; huang kao li
Artillery Battlefield Target Value Analysis Based on the Entropy
chen pei bin ; zhao yi ; zheng hua li
Cost Evaluation of Gain-Cost Evaluation for Guidance Mode
liu huan yu
The Application of Fuzzy Decision to the Selection of the Equipment Operator
tian jun xue ; shi yin shui ; lu feng lin
Knowledge Base Editing and Maintaining System for Fault Diagnosis Expert System
liu bai lin ; fan yue hua
Research of GPS Coordinate Positioning Based on Tactical Map
wang tao ; luo xiao jun
Software System for Failure Detection and Isolation of Self-Repairing Flight Control System
wu jing bo ; ai jian liang ; wang mei xian ; ai ling ying
Color-based Probabilistic Tracking and Its Quick Realization
li qing ; cao lin ping
The Study of Comprehensive Anti-jamming Ability of Guidance Radar of Air Defense Missile Weapon System
du hai wen ; meng ling po ; ma hong bin
Application of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation to the Command Effect Evaluation
li ming jun ; zhang zhi shun
Missiles Launching Envelops' RBF Networks Processing Method and Analysis
dai hong liang ; zhang yi zuo ; li wei ren
Application of Material Element Theory to Optimum Selection from Ground Buffet Targets
jiang jun qing ; zhang qun xing
Research on Criterias for Target Destruction in Joint Fire Strike
liu xue jun ; xu
Extended Adjustable White Noise Model for Maneuvering Target
zhang jing zuo ; xiong wei ; he you
Research on Guidance Methods of Over-the-shoulder and Rear-firing
zeng hong jun ; gao xiao guang
New Method Based on Fractional Lower-Order Statistics of Filter for Underwater Acoustic Signals
zhang an qing ; kang chun yu ; xu lin zhou
Operational Efficiency Analysis for Task Fleet on NCW
li min yong ; li lu ji
Guidance and Control of Modern Strategic Weapon
yu yong ; wei ke hui