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Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering
2004 Issue 4
Development and benchmark analysis of the hybrid evaluated nuclear data library HENDL1.0
xu de zheng ; wu yi can ; gao chun jing ; zheng shan liang ; li jing jing ; zhu xiao xiang ; liu hai bo
Benchmark testing for zirconium of CENDL-3
wu hai cheng ; liu ping
The microstructure damage behavior of aging treatment low activation Fe-Cr-Mn(W,V) alloys irradiated by electron/helium dual-beam
hu ben zuo ; mu xia bo si ; chai shan huan shu ; gao qiao ping qi lang
Microstructural study of spent ion exchange resin ASC cement-solidification matrix
li jun feng ; zhou yao zhong ; wang jian long ; zhao zuo ; yun gui chun
Purification of γ-irradiated 30 % TRPO-kerosene by vacuum distillation
zhang ping ; liang jun fu ; xin ren xuan ; song chong li
Six types Monte Carlo for estimating the current unavailability of Markov system with dependent repair
xiao gang ; li zhi zhong ; zhu da li
The application of nonlinear iteration semi-analytic nodal method in CANDU reactor fuel management
huo xiao dong ; xie zhong sheng ; liao cheng kui
Coolant boiling numerical simulation of subassembly for liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor
shi xiao bo ; luo rui ; wang zhou ; yang xian yong
Finite time thermodynamic analysis of nuclear power rankine cycles
chen wen zhen ; xu guo jun ; li hao feng ; gao ming
Validation of the three-dimensional physical-thermal code system of HFETR
peng feng ; fu rong ; zeng ke ; qiu li qing ; sun shou hua
Improvement of M310 PWR--study on the load follow without boron adjustment
ma zi rong ; yao zeng hua
Influence, sources and treatment of the uncertainties in human reliability analysis
he xu hong ; tong jie juan ; huang xiang rui