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Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
2015 Issue 6
Experimental and computational investigation of adsorption performance of TC-5A and PSA-5A for manned spacecraft
Liu Meng;Yang Dongsheng;Pang Liping;Yu Qingni;Huang Yong;School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering;Beihang University;National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering;China Astronaut Research and Training Center;
CFD calculations on the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of a tilt-rotor in a conversion mode
Li Peng;Zhao Qijun;Zhu Qiuxian;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Rotorcraft Aeromechanics;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Combustion instability of pilot flame in a pilot bluff body stabilized combustor
Fu Xiao;Yang Fujiang;Guo Zhihui;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero-Engine Aero-Thermodynamics;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Beihang University;
Numerical investigation on the flow structures in a narrow confined channel with staggered jet array arrangement
Liu Haiyong;Liu Cunliang;Wu Wenming;Section of Engine and Energy;Xi’an High-Tech Institute;School of Power and Engine;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
A hierarchical updating method for finite element model of airbag buffer system under landing impact
He Huan;Chen Zhe;He Cheng;Ni Lei;Chen Guoping;State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Institute of Vibration Engineering Research;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Research Institute of Pilotless Aircraft;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co.Ltd.;
A systematic method of smooth switching LPV controllers design for a morphing aircraft
Jiang Weilai;Dong Chaoyang;Wang Qing;School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering;Beihang University;School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering;Beihang University;
Test results judgment method based on BIT faults
Wang Gang;Qiu Jing;Liu Guanjun;Lyu Kehong;Science and Technology on Integrated Logistics Support Laboratory;National University of Defense Technology;College of Mechatronics and Automation;National University of Defense Technology;
Active fault-tolerant control strategy of large civil aircraft under elevator failures
Wang Xingjian;Wang Shaoping;Yang Zhongwei;Zhang Chao;School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering;Beihang University;
Real-time drogue recognition and 3D locating for UAV autonomous aerial refueling based on monocular machine vision
Wang Xufeng;Kong Xingwei;Zhi Jianhui;Chen Yong;Dong Xinmin;School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering;Air Force Engineering University;State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems;Tsinghua University;
Fault detection of flywheel system based on clustering and principal component analysis
Wang Rixin;Gong Xuebing;Xu Minqiang;Li Yuqing;Deep Space Exploration Research Center;Harbin Institute of Technology;
A measurement-driven adaptive probability hypothesis density filter for multitarget tracking
Si Weijian;Wang Liwei;Qu Zhiyu;College of Information and Communication Engineering;Harbin Engineering University;
Maximal capacity nonorthogonal pulse shape modulation
Chen Zhaonan;Wang Hongxing;Liu Xiguo;Zhong Peilin;Department of Electrical and Information Engineering;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;Department of Basic Experiment;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Effective local dynamic routing strategy for air route networks
Wu Wenjun;Zhao Lingxi;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Beihang University;
DOA and polarization estimation via signal reconstruction with linear polarization-sensitive arrays
Liu Zhangmeng;School of Electronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
A novel particle filter approach for indoor positioning by fusing WiFi and inertial sensors
Zhu Nan;Zhao Hongbo;Feng Wenquan;Wang Zulin;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Beihang University;
State estimation with quantized innovations in wireless sensor networks: Gaussian mixture estimator and posterior Cramér–Rao lower bound
Zhang Zhi;Li Jianxun;Liu Liu;Liu Zhaolei;Han Shan;Department of Automation;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Key Laboratory of System Control and Information Processing;Ministry of Education of China;Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology;Engineering Research Center of Wideband Wireless Communication Technology;Ministry of Education;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Cooperative coalition for formation flight scheduling based on incomplete information
Meng Linghang;Xu Xiaohao;Zhao Yifei;School of Computer Science and Technology;Tianjin University;Air Traffic Management College;Civil Aviation University of China;
An accelerated life test model for harmonic drives under a segmental stress history and its parameter optimization
Zhang Chao;Wang Shaoping;Wang Zimeng;Wang Xingjian;School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering at Beihang University in Beijing;School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering at Beihang University;School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering;Beihang University;Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory;Beihang University;
Chatter stability prediction in four-axis milling of aero-engine casings with bull-nose end mill
Zhou Xu;Zhang Dinghua;Luo Ming;Wu Baohai;Key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology;Ministry of Education;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Processing map of as-cast 7075 aluminum alloy for hot working
Guo Lianggang;Yang Shuang;Yang He;Zhang Jun;State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing;Northwestern Polytechnical University;China National Heavy Machinery Research Institute Co.Ltd;
Experimental investigation on impact performances of GLARE laminates
Chen Qi;Guan Zhidong;Li Zengshan;Ji Zhaojie;Zhuo Yue;School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering;Beihang University;
Guide for Authors
Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Aeronautics;2015;