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Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology
2015 Issue 18
xin xi dong tai
Reflection on Problem in MBD Technology Application
mo rong ;
yuan shen fang hang kong jie gou jian kang jian ce zhuan jia
yuan shen fang ;
Development and Prospect of the Aircraft Digital Assembly Technology
mei zhong yi ;, huang chao ;, fan yu qing ;
Research on the Cooperative Association of Aircraft Design and Manufacturing Based on MBD
bai yong hong ;, liang ke ;, zhou sheng ;, hou zhuo bing ;
Expression Method of Engineering Change Based on MBD
shi xiao qiang ;, zhao dong ping ;, kou meng ;, zhang shu sheng ;
Fine Machining Process Design Based on Manufacturing Feature Evolution for MBD
chen jun zuo ;, jia xiao liang ;, zhang min ;
Research and Development of Knowledge Base System for Process Design of Composite-Structure
zhang jun zuo ;, an lu ling ;, li zuo ;, li hong wei ;
Intelligent Simulation for Intelligent Manufacturing
yi ran ;
Activity Management of Cooperative Product Data
zhao li ;
Application of PLM System in CPS Environment
li hai feng ;, zuo guang rong ;
Analysis and Evaluation of PLM-Oriented Cooperative Aircraft Maintenance
hao tian feng ;, jia xiao liang ;
Industrial Redesign for "Made in China 2025"
an shi ya tai ke ji gu fen you xian gong si ;
Study on Micro-Planning for the Assembly Process of the Composite Wing Box
zhang peng zhen ;, jin xia ;, zhang gui shu ;, liu zuo bing ;, jiang zuo zuo ;