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Transactions of the China Welding Institution
2002 Issue 2
ha er bin han jie yan jiu suo
ying wen zhai yao
Finite Element Method Analysis on Welding Residual Stresses of Large Electromotor Rotor
ren wei jia ; zou gui sheng ; wu ai ping ; zhao hai yan
Spectral Characteristics of High Current Hollow Cathode Vacuum Arc
guo he ping ; qian yi yu ; fang hong yuan ; guo de lun ; wu xi meng
Hydrogen Induced Martensite Transformation in Weld of Austenitic Stainless Steels
pan chuan ; li zheng bang ; tian zhi ling ; liang dong tu ; qiao li jie ; zuo wu yang
Isolation Effectiveness of Composite Isolation and Its Application in Diffusion Bonding
he peng ; qian yi yu ; feng ji cai ; mai han hui ; jia jin guo ; liu shi zuo
Research on the Creep Damage and Interfacial Failure of Dissimilar Metal Welded Joint Between Martensite and Pearlite Steel
zhang jian qiang ; peng xian kuan ; wu ; zhao hai yan ; wang zuo ; zhang ying lin
Study on Digital Trigger of Silicon Coutrolled Rectifier Welder Based on Digital Singal Process
hua xue ming ; wu yi xiong ; jiao zuo jie ; zhang yong ; li zhu guo ; yu qian bo
Study on Commutating Process and Its Controll of Variable Polarity Square Waveform Power Source
li zhong you ; liu xiu zhong ; chen mao ai ; zhang guang xian
Bonding Mechanism of Interface in Explosive Welding
shi chang gen ; wang yao hua ; cai li zuo ; kang li xia
Study on Arc Force in Plasma Welding
dai da shan ; song yong lun ; zhang hui ; zhu zuo feng
Mechanism of New Plasma Powder Surfacing for High Efficiency and High Quality
wang hong ying ; cheng zhi guo ; zhao kun ; dong zu zuo
Study on Development Process of Welding Materials Based on Concurrent Engineering
lei yu cheng ; cheng xiao nong ; dai qi xun ; xing yi ming
Design and Realization of Welding Expert System in Pressure Vessel
lv bo ; yao wei li ; wang yan zhang
Effect of Mesh Sizes on Welding Deformation Prediction Precision of Buick’s Underframe Assembly
chen jun mei ; lu zuo ; wang jian hua ; chen wei xin ; hao da jun
Brazing of Single Layer Cubic Boron Nitride Wheel with AgCuTi Alloy Under Vacuum Atmosphere
xiao bing ; xu hong jun ; wu zhi bin ; fu yu can
Analysis of Microstructure in the Interface of Diffusion Welding for Fe3Al/Q235 Dissimilar materials
li ya jiang ; wang juan ; yin yan sheng ; wu hui qiang ; feng ji cai
Investigation on Microstructural Characteristics of ZrC-reinforced Metal Matrix Composite Layer Produced by Laser Cladding
zhang qing mao ; he jin jiang ; liu wen jin ; zhong min lin
Surface Nanocrystallization of SS400 Steel Butt Welded Joint and Its Effect on the Fatigue Strength
li dong ; chen huai ning ; liu gang ; lu ke ; lin quan hong
Mathematic Analysis and Parameters Definition of Circuit of High Frequency Oscillator for Arc Ignition
zhang xiao zuo ; li jun yue ; yang yun qiang ; yang li jun
Effect of Stress and Plastic Strain on Hydrogen Diffusion in Welded Joint of Implant Test
zhang xian hui ; chen pei yin ; tan chang zuo
Effect of Activating Fluxes and Welding Paramenters on Weld Depth to Width Ratio in A-TIG Welding
liu feng yao ; lin san bao ; yang chun li ; wu lin
Computer Simulation and Experimental Research on CO2 Short-circuit Transfer Welding Under Waveform Control
li huan ; hu lian hai ; li jun yue ; yang li jun