Investigation of plasma stealth excited by 90Sr/90Y
ZHU Jiazhu;LIU Wei;CUI Chi;WANG Xiang;HUANG Yu’an;ZHANG Ruili;TANG Tao;HUANG Runsheng;School of Physics;Nanjing University;School of Material Engineering;Nanjing Institute of Technology;
Research on 1.6-GeV proton translation process using Geant4
YAO Zhiming;SONG Guzhou;HEI Dongwei;MA Jiming;ZHOU Ming;DUAN Baojun;SONG Yan;HAN Changcai;State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;
Automated synthesis of novel cell death imaging tracer 18F-FPDuramycin
YAO Shaobo;HU Kongzhen;TANG Ganghua;LIANG Xiang;JIANG Shende;School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology;Tianjin University;Department of Nuclear Medicine;the First Affiliated Hospital;Sun Yat-Sen University;