Groundwater Vulnerability Partition in Ashi River Basin
LIN Mao;JI Danfeng;CUI Chifei;SUN Yuanyuan;SU Jing;XI Beidou;Eric Nixdorf;School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering;Shanghai University;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science;Department of Environmental Informatics;Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research;Homeland Environmental Protection Water Pollution Governance Academician Workstation;
Biosorption Characteristics of Sb(Ⅲ) by Microcystis Biosorbent
SUN Fuhong;HU Xuewen;GUO Fei;WU Fengchang;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Cleaner Production and Circular Economy Research Center;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;
Migration and Removal Characteristics of DDTs in Pesticide-Contaminated Soil during Electrokinetics
LI Na;NI Maofei;YU Zhebin;MENG Bangbang;HUANG Qifei;TIAN Shulei;School of Resources and Materials;Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao;Environmental and Biological Engineering Institute of Chongqing Technology and Business University;Research Institute of Solid Waste Management;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering;Harbin University of Science and Technology;