Research progress of EPDM on modification of general purpose resins
Luo Sihai;Li Qiqiang;Lv Dongbo;Cao Xinxin;He Xiaofang;School of Material Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;Cultivating Base for Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Inorganic Materials in University of Henan Province;School of Material Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;School of Material Science and Engineering;Southeast University;
Preparation of TiO2 by microwave-assisted method and its photocatalytic performance
Zhu Yi;Qu Wenwen;Yang Kun;Zhu Hongbo;Peng Jinhui;National Local Joint Laboratory of Engineering Application of Microwave Energy and Equipment Technology;Key Laboratory of Unconventional Metallurgy Education Ministry;Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Faculty of Science;Kun Ming University of Science and Technology;
Synthesis of terpene glycol from terpene-maleic anhydride
Tang Xiaodong;Xia Jianling;Huang Kun;Li Mei;Li Shouhai;Institute of Chemical Industry of Forestry Products;CAF;National Engineering Lab.for Biomass Chemical Utilization Key and Lab.on Forest Chemical Engineering SFA;Key Lab.of Biomass Energy and Material;Institute of New Technology of Forestry;Chinese Academy of Forestry;
Research on superabsorbent polymer from biomass fiber silk
Yu Yunxiang;Xu Dan;Zhang Yi;Xia Shibin;School of Resource & Environmental Engineering;Wuhan University of Technology;Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources Processing and Environment;State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology;Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Synthesis of chitosan-lysine conjugates
Chen Song;Li Puwang;Li Sidong;Qi Ningli;Huang Shengdong;College of Food Science and Technology;Guangdong Ocean University;Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences;College of Ocean and Meteorology;Guangdong Ocean University;
Polyclone modification of carbon nanotubes
Yuan Jianjun;Yang Liu;Zheng Jingtang;Shang Yan;Zhang Guiling;Li Qifu;The National Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing;University of Petroleum;Harbin University of Science and Technology;
Characterization and research of reaction mechanism of magnetic cassava starch microspheres
Xie Xinling;Luo Fengxiao;Tong Zhangfa;Liao Anping;Zhang Youquan;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Guangxi University;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Resource Processing and Process Intensification Technology;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Guangxi University for Nationalities;Key Laboratory of Chemical and Biological Transformation Process of Guangxi Higher Education Institutes;Guangxi University for Nationalities;
Study on the adsorption of congo red by modified wheat shell husk
Wang Cuiping;Zhang Jie;Hu Jing;Zhou Bo;Zhang Qingle;Zhang Liqing;Li Zejiao;Chemical Engineering Department of Taishan Medical college;National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources;College of Life Sciences of Shandong Agricultural University;