Effect of feeding gas on hopper discharge of pulverized coal
LU Haifeng;GUO Xiaolei;TAO Shunlong;GONG Xin;LU Jun;Shanghai Research Center of Gasification Technology;Key Laboratory of Coal Gasification and Energy Chemical Engineering of Ministry of Education;East China University of Science and Technology;
Characterization of structure and pyrolysis behavior of lignin
CHEN Lei;CHEN Hanping;LU Qiang;SONG Yang;DING Xuejie;WANG Xianhua;YANG Haiping;State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion;Huazhong University of Science & Technology;National Engineering Laboratory for Biomass Power Generation Equipment;North China Electric Power University;Huadian Bijie Thermal Power Co.;Ltd.;
Sintering mechanism of ceramics prepared from BOF slag
WANG Wei;DONG Hanqiong;WANG Biao;ZHAO Yunchao;WANG Kai;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Henan University of Science and Technology;Collaborative Innovation Center of Nonferrous Metals Henan Province;Second Steel Plant of Anyang Steel and Iron Corporation;
Anticorrosion property of polyaniline doped twice with functional acid
YANG Xian;YANG Xiaogang;MA Xinqi;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Institute of Fine Chemicals and Engineering;Henan University;Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Environment and Safety Engineering;Qingdao University of Science and Technology;