Enhanced pretreatment of cornstalks by binary ionic liquids
XU Tingting;XU Junli;ZHANG Zhibo;ZHOU Qing;XIN Jiayu;L Xingmei;ZHANG Suojiang;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Henan University;Institute of Progress Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effect of substituents and central metal ions on electronic structure and catalytic activity of porphyrins
CAO Meijuan;YU Yanmin;FU Haiyan;SHE Yuanbin;Institute of Green Chemistry and Fine Chemicals;College of Environmental & Energy Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;College of Pharmacy;South-Central University for Nationalities;Key Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials Science of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission & Ministry of Education;College of Chemistry and Materials Science;South-Central University for Nationalities;
Hydrothermal synthesis of LiFePO4/C nano composite material
FANG Mou;WANG Yaowu;SHANG Yuming;ZHAO Xiao;WANG Li;HE Xiangming;CHEN Jingbo;MAO Zongqiang;Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;Huadong Institute of Lithium Ion Battery;China Datang Corporation Science and Technology Research Institute;