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Initiators & Pyrotechnics
2009 Issue 3
The Design and Experiment Study on Pyrotechnically Actuated Device for Select Valve
REN Xiao-liang;DU Zhi-ming;ZHAO Lin-shuang;CONG Xiao-min
Experimental Study on Ignition Property of Composite Propellants on Different Condition
NAN Bao-jiang;PING Li;MA Xi-mei;ZHANG Xiao-wei;WU Ping
DFT Study on Primary Explosives of Coordination Compound with Triazoles as Ligands
WANG Yan-lan;SHENG Di-lun;MA Fen-ge;ZHU Ya-hong;CHEN Li-kui;YANG Bin
Preparation for Metallic Oxide Catalyst by HOCH2CH2OH Solvent
ZHU Chuan-gao;XU Mai;FANG Wen-yan;WANG Feng-wu
Preparation of HMX Nanosphere by W/O Microemulsion
WANG Dun-ju;ZHANG Jing-lin;WANG Jin-ying
Study on An Explosive Based on HNS-Ⅱ with Low Detonation Velocity
LI Ling-xia;ZHANG Jing;DU Jian-quan;LEI Zheng-jun;LIU Xing-li
Application Study on Output Charges for Impulse Thruster
JIN Jian-feng;YANG Qing;WANG Pei-lan
Study on the Evaluation of Critical Thickness of HMX Based on Neural Network
YANG Zong-wei;LIU Yu-cun;YU Guo-qiang
Research on the Security of the Rocket Projectile Towards ESD
WEI Guang-hui;SUN Yong-wei;WANG Shu-ping
Analysis Methods for Measurement Results of Spark in Ignition Device
LUO Jun;LIAO Shi-peng;HUANG Dan-ping;LIAO Jun-bi
Study on TNT Wastewater Treated by Organobentonite
WANG Hao;YUAN Feng-ying