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Welded Pipe and Tube
2008 Issue 6
Comparison and Selection of External Coating Joint Coating Technology to Pipeline on Shore
ZHAO Zhong-gang;XUE Zhen-kui;FAN Xiao-xia;HE Jin-kun
Research on the Critical Buckling Strain Critirrion for Pipeline Based on Dimension Analysis
ZHANG Hua;ZHAO Xin-wei;LUO Jin-heng;ZHANG Guang-li;GONG Shao-tao
Production Current Status of Large Diameter Pipeline Steel in Russia
GUAN Wei;WANG Cuo-li;MA Wei-guang;YUE Xiao-wen
Safety Assessment and Analysis on Corrosion Status of Transmitting Gas Pipeline in Service
YAN Lin;SONG Xu;NIU Jing;HU Xing-min;ZHANG Jian-xun
Faults Elimination and Maintenance of CNC Threading Machine
LUO Xiao-mei
Discuss on 3PE External Coating Process of Steel Pipe
LI Ru-jiang;HAN Xiu-lin;WANG You-sheng;ZHANG Zhan-guo;WANG Yong
Welding Technology of One Side Full Penetration Welding for Heavy Plate
GUO Hong-xia;YIN Chang-hua
Design for a New Type Steel Pipe Linking Machine
TONG Jiang-tao
Application in Copper Pipe Welding Industry of Solid Ultra-high Frequency Power
LIU Ming-qin;LIU Yong-feng
Research on X80 Grade Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welded Pipe
WANG Li-shu;LIU Shi-ze;HUANG Ke-jian
Trial Production of X80 Grade Helically Submerged Arc Welded Pipe in China
ZONG Bo;WANG Shu-ren;WANG Tie-min;ZHU Da-quan;MENG De-qiang
Study on Parabolic Curve Section Made by Rollforming Process
LI Yuan-guang;LIU Ji-ying
Effect of t8/5 on the Coarse Grain Zone of HAZ Properties for X70 Pipeline Steel
ZHOU Xiong;LIU Shun-hong;DUAN Yuan-wei;WANG Bin
Effects of Heat Temperature and Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of X80 Steel
QIAO Gui-ying;WANG Xu;FU Yan-hong;ZHANG Ting-ting;XIAO Fu-ren;LIAO Bo