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Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science)
2015 Issue 1
The Quasitriangular Structure for Hom-T-smash Product Hom-Hopf Algebras
JIAO Zhengming;GUO Min;XIA Zhengliang;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Henan Normal University;
Optimal Portfolio Selection Bounded by Safety-first Criterion for Insurer
GUO Wenjing;GAO Congyan;School of Finance;Nanjing University of Finance & Economics;
The Estimations of Yields and Volatility for Short-term Interest Rate Dynamic Models
ZHANG Dongyun;Business School;Henan Normal University;
Internal Control Evaluation System Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process Analysis
CHENG Yao;International Business School;Beijing Language and Culture University;
Existence and Asymptotic Property of Global Solutions for Some Nonlinear Wave Equation with Nonlinear Damping Term
WANG Jianping;ZHANG Xiangwei;College of Information and Management Science;Henan Agricultural University;Department of Mathematics;Zhengzhou Normal College;
A New Mixed Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Sine-Gordon Equation
LI Xianzhi;LI Chang;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Zhengzhou Normal University;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Zhengzhou University;
The Research of Annihilation Effect in B_s→PPDecays within QCDF
CHANG Qin;LI Xiaonan;WAN Zhengyang;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Henan Normal University;
Partial Focusing Effect of Indefinite Magnetic Medium in Wireless Power Transfer
LIU Lingyun;YANG Dongping;LI Shan;School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for High-efficiency Utilization of Solar Energy;Hubei University of Technology;
An Adaptive Power Allocation Strategy Based on LTE-A Relay Network
LI Xiaolin;LIU Binghua;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Research Centre for Application of New Communication Technologies;Chongqing Information Technology Designing CO.;LTD;
Control and Harmonic Compensation Strategy for PWM Rectifier in Static Coordinate System
WANG Meng;QI Mingyan;SHEN Minghui;WANG Haiming;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Henan Normal University;State Grid Henan Xinxiang Power Supply Company;
Effect of Magnetic Reluctance of Co/Ru after Annealing
HAO Anlin;The Editorial Board of Journal Anyang Institute of Technology;
Infinitesimal Step Adaptive Incremental Conductance Method MPPT Control
XU Pengfei;MA Gaofeng;GAO Jinhui;College of Physical and Electronic Engineering;Henan Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Material;Henan Normal University;
Synthesis of Zinc Oxide with Dandelion Shape and its Photocatalytic Propertie
LIU Zili;ZHU Yucong;WANG Kui;YANG Lin;Academy of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Henan Normal University;
Microwave-assisted Synthesis and Structural Characteristic of Benzoxazole Derivatives
WANG Fan;YUAN Jinwei;ZHANG Rui;MAI Wenpeng;YANG Liangru;MAO Pu;QU Lingbo;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Henan University of Technology;
Theoretical Study on the Isomerization,Oxidation and Decomposition Reaction of 1,2-dimethyl Butyl Ketone Group Radical
LI Yanping;LIU Xiangyu;WANG Yuguan;JI Yongqiang;College of Petrochemical Engineering;Yinchuan Energy Institute;College of Chemistry and Chemical Technology;Ningxia University;
Synthesis and Characterization of 1,4-Benzenedicarbonylpyrazolone
ZHENG Yongjun;ZHENG Yong;JIA Taixuan;ZHANG Tao;School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering;Anyang Institute of Technology;
BP Artificial Neural Network Method For QSPR Study on RRT of PBDE_S
CAO Hongcui;SUN haixia;BAO Yinglian;School of Chemical Engineering;Qinghai University;
Study on Ethanol Extraction of Flavonoids from Buckwheat Tea and Sparrow Mouth Tea and Scavenging Effect on Hydroxyl Radicals
LI Huiduan;Department of Chemistry and Life Science;Chuxiong Normal University;
Photochemistry Degradation of Dinotefuran in Water
ZHENG Liqing;ZHAO Yuan;ZHANG Leilei;LIN Yidong;Key Laboratory for Yellow River and Huaihe River Water Environmental and Pollution Control;Minisitry of Education;Henan Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Control;School of Environment;Henan Normal University;
Gene Cloning of Rehmannia glutinosa by High-efficient Thermal Asymmetric Interlaced PCR
ZHOU Yanqing;WANG Wanshen;ZHANG Yu;LI Jingyun;CHEN Juanjuan;YUAN Lulu;WEI Jun;College of Life Sciences;Henan Normal University;Zhoukou City Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Subcellular Localizationoftranslation Elongation Factor EF1A in Arabidopsis Thaliana
CHEN Yan;WANG Weiqian;ZHANG Hongli;XIA qunfang;SUN Hengji;LI Ruisha;ZHENG Bang;ZHOU Shumin;ZHANG Wei;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Bio-Energy Crops;School of Life Science;Shanghai University;
Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata based Simulation of the Formation of Aerobic Granular Sludge
HAI Benzhai;WANG Hailei;Colledge of Compute Science &Technology;Henan Normal University;College of Life Sciences;Henan Normal University;
Bioinformatics Analysis on Regulators of G-protein Signaling in Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides
HAN Changzhi;College of Forestry;The Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control of Yunnan Province;Southwest Forestry University;
Sex Determination of Logistic Regression from the Metatarsal Measurements in Macaac Mulatta
HU Haiyang;WANG Fengchan;HU Fengxia;TIAN Huaxiang;MAO Xiaojing;ZHAO Zhe;ZHAO Xiaojin;College of Life Science;Henan Normal University;Editorial Department;Henan Normal University;College of Fisheries;Henan Normal University;
Population Dynamics of Arthropod in the Scattered Planting Hybrid Aprum Orchard
LIU Junhe;CUI Wenyi;SHAO Haikuo;YU Mingfu;Department of Biological Engineering;Huanghuai University;
Optimization of Preserving Green Technique of Walnut Male Tassel by Response Surface Methodology
LI Lihong;LIANG Ruifeng;WANG Xiangdong;Sports Institute;Shanxi Normal University;
Development of the Key Protein Niemann-Pick C1Like 1 in Intestinal Cholesterol Transport
XU Chongli;OUYANG Hongsheng;College of Biology and Food Engineering;Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology;College of Veterinary Medicine;Jilin University;
Developing a Classroom Recording and Multivariate Analysis Software Based on Android System
LUO Liming;YOU Jiaxin;SUN Zhong;College of Information Engineering;Capital Normal University;
H∞Consensus Problem of Second-order Multi-agent Systemsvia the Dynamic Output Feedback Protocol
LIANG Juan;ZHANG Yulian;XIAO Huimin;GAO Fangya;LI Juntao;School of Information Engineering;Wuhan University of Technology;Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering college;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Henan Institute of Education;Department of Mathematics and Information Science;Henan University of Economics and Law;School of Mathematics and Information Science;Henan Normal University;
Certificateless XML Multi-Signature
LIU Juxia;SU Jingfeng;Academy of Information Technology;Luoyang Normal University;Institute of Computer Science and Engineering;Henan University of Urban Construction;
Image Encryption Method Based on Hyper-chaos System of 4-D and Fractional Fourier transform
SU Ting;DONG Shengwei;LYU Zhiwei;Mathematics and Physics College;Anyang Institute of Technology;
A Study of the Skill Appraisal System for Shaolin Martial Arts
SI Xingwei;Henan Normal University Sports Institute Xinxiang;
Study on the Comprehensive Evaluation of the men’s Advanced Events of the Track and Field in Henan Province
WEI Tao;College of P.E.;Henan University of Technology;
Establishment and Application Research on Adolescent Tennis Players’ Fitness Evaluation Method
SUN Wenqi;Department of Basic Science;Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College;