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Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
2005 Issue 6
On Technocracy
LI Xing-min
Discussion of the Definition of the Conception of New Time
Huang Jing;Ling Zhi
America and Iran in the Nuclear Crisis
The Middle Roader Parties in Anti-Japanese War
SHANG Gui-zhen;GUO Yan
Marx's Salvation of Hegel's Speculation Ontology
LI Jun-wen
Simone Weil's Ideology on Labour
LIANG Yan-hua
Study of Customs Evaluation System
LI Xun
Empirical Analysis of Green GDP Accounting in China
CHEN Li-ping;YANG Zhong-zhi
Research on the Knowledge Broker Based on the Viewpoint of Evolution
LI Chen-song;HE Jin-sheng
A Study of Process and Risks of Technological Innovation in Enterprises
WANG Li-xin;GAO Chang-chun
Analysis on Government Behavior on Old Industrial Base Transform in Germany Ruhr
HUANG Li-hua;ZHANG Li-bing
On the Structures of the Inner Volume in Zhuangzi
Reflections on Government by Li in Guoyu
ZHANG Ju-san
A Study of the Translation of Technical Terminologies
MA Ju-hong
Paper extracts of Journals (Social Sciences Edition) of Universities of science, engineering,agriculture and medicine
quan guo li gong nong yi yuan xiao she hui ke xue xue bao lian luo zhong xin