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Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
2010 Issue 6
drag-reducing characteristics of cationic surfactant solution flow in copper pipe
ZHU Meng-sheng;ZOU Ping-hua;CAO Hui-zhe;CAI Wei-hua;LI Feng-chen
fouling of organic fractionation on ultrafiltration membrane for drinking water treatment:a case study
KANG Hua;HE Wen-jie;LIU Xiu-hong;WANG Dong
robust multiple face tracking via mixture model
GUO Chao
simulation and experimental study of fluid induced excitation mechanism for liquid rocket engine immerged rotor
ZHANG Nan;WANG Yong-liang;DOU Wei;LIU Zhan-sheng;JIANG Xing-wei
experimental study on mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete
LI Li;ZHENG Wen-zhong;LU Shan-shan
water quality and growth of phytoplankton for the yellow river estuary reservoirs current status of water environment
WANG Yun-bo;YUKIHIKO Takahashi;DU Mao-an;ZHANG Jie;YASUAKI Matsumoto
effects of hydrothermal temperatures on properties of magnetic titanate nanotubes
XIA Shu-mei;XU Chang-song;DU Yan-yan;ZHANG Mi-lin
establishmen and vertification of an improved similitude law for dynamic ice force model test
LIU Chun-guang;JIA Ling-ling;QI Nian
new time-"frequency rate" distribution for polynomial phase signal
ZHANG Yun;JIANG Yi-cheng;WANG Yong;LIU Rui-hua
denitrifying phosphorous removal in anaerobic/anoxic sbr system with different startup operation mode
JIANG Xin-xin;YANG Ji-xian;MA Fang;YANG Fei-fei;WEI Li;YIN Jun
application of multi-stage bio-filtration system for sewage treatment and analysis of the microbial community
LIU Zhi-xiao;ZHAO Zhi-wei;CUI Fu-yi;ZHANG Meng-yang
a force control high-order single-step- method(hsm)for substructure pseudo-dynamic testing
CHEN Zai-xian;WANG Huan-ding;WANG Feng-lai;ZHOU Guang-chun
thermal stress and fracture temperature prediction for flexible pavement
ZHONG Yang;GENG Li-tao
identification of traffic object\'s motion behavior based on track
MENG Fan-feng;ZENG Qing-shuang;LI Li
robust visual tracking algorithm based on monte carlo approach with integrated attributes
XI Tao;ZHANG Sheng-xiu;YAN Shi-yuan
development of ground control station and path planning for autonomous muav
HONG Ye;FANG Jian-cheng
numerical simulation on the process of multi-point forming for tube
LIU Qi-qian;FU Wen-zhi;LI Ming-zhe;CHEN Zhi-hong
study on enhanced filtration for the 2-methylisoborneol removal in drinking water treatment processes
GAO Yu-nan;LI Wei-guang;BAI Yu;LIU Shui
comparison of pvdf porous membranes modified by two different methods using composite nano-particles
ZHAO Qing;SHI Wen-xin;YU Shui-li;LU Hui;LU Yan
rheological constitutive model of rock mass based on viscoplastic theory
XU Yong-tie;ZHOU Xian-qi
spreading behavior of sis epidemic model on networks with dynamical topology
XIA Cheng-yi;LIU Zhong-xin;CHEN Zeng-qiang;YUAN Zhu-zhi