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Journal of Harbin Engineering University
2016 Issue 6
Preliminary forecasting method for icebreaker maneuverability on level and smooth ice
WANG Chao;,KANG Rui;,SUN Wenlin;,WANG Guoliang;
Risk analysis of punch through for a jack-up drilling unit in layered soil
LIN Yi;,HU Ankang;,JIANG Wei;,WANG Yitao;
Experimental study on the factors influencing characteristics of deep-water breaking waves
ZHANG Yihui;,LIANG Shuxiu;,SUN Zhaochen;,CHANG Yanling;
Improved quasi-static method for calculating mooring line damping
YANG Yong;,HUANG Shan;
Tensile experiment and numerical analysis of single countersunk bolt composite laminate joints
LIU Peng;,CHENG Xiaoquan;,LIU Shufeng;,WANG Songwei;,GUO Xin;
Spatial two-node catenary element for analyzing cable-net structures
LIU Yuejun;,TANG Aiping;,LIU Ketong;
Dynamic evolution of double droplets simultaneously impacting on flat liquid film
GUO Yali;,ZHANG Jingtao;,SHEN Shengqiang;,WEI Lan;
Optimal design of longitudinal automatic carrier landing system for carrier air wake rejection
ZHANG Zhi;,LI Jiatong;,DONG Ran;,YUAN Xin;
Range ambiguity resolution method for synchronous underwater acoustic positioning with high frame rate
WANG Yan;,LI Qing;,FU Jin;,LIANG Guolong;
Broadband sonar transmission system combined with real frequency data and pre-equalization technology
WANG Yongheng;,SUN Dajun;,LIU Lu;,ZHANG Youwen;
Radar target tracking via belief rule-based methodology
LIU Wei;,CHEN Xianqiao;,CHU Xiumin;
Thermodynamics analysis of intermetallic compounds on Aluminum-steel welded joint
HUANG Jiankang;,LIU Ning;,HE Cuicui;,SHI Yu;,FAN Ding;
A self-adaptive teaching-and-learning-based optimization algorithm with a mixed strategy
BI Xiaojun;,LI Yue;,CHEN Chunyu;
Semi-supervised classification for hyperspectral image based on improved tri-training method
WANG Liguo;,YANG Yueshuang;,LIU Danfeng;
High-resolution range profile of ship measured by underwater acoustic simulation in close range
ZHANG Mingmin;,LU Jianbin;,CHENG Guangli;
Research on controlling network time delay in teleoperation orthopedic restoration surgery
WANG Hongmin;,DU Zhijiang;,YAN Zhiyuan;,LIU Rongqiang;
Effect of surfactants on MnO2 colloid aggregation kinetics
XIE Lei;,PANG Suyan;,JIANG Jin;,SUN Xiaojun;
Thermodynamic calculation and optimization of geothermal power generation in Ganzi
WANG Yanxin;,WANG Lingbao;,LI Huashan;,BU Xianbiao;
Effects of landslide generated impulse waves on ship impact force for pile wharf
WANG Pingyi;,HAN Linfeng;,YU Tao;,MENG Caixia;