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Journal of Harbin Engineering University
2008 Issue 3
Extracting text information from a background image using wavelet domains
ZHANG Xiao-wei;ZHENG Xiong-bo;GUO Jian
Mechanical properties and fracture behavior of microcastings
REN Ming-xing;LI Bang-sheng;YANG Chuang;FU Heng-zhi
A broadband stacked microstrip antenna with half U-slot coupling
YANG Xiao-dong;CHEN Peng;TONG Hao
An energy efficient and load balanced Ad hoc routing protocol
LIU Yu-mei;GUO Li-li;MA Hui-zhu
Fast parameter matching for 2-D ESPRIT algorithm
DIAO Ming;MIAO Shan-Lin
Modeling propulsive motions of turtles and simulating hem with a bionic mechanism
CHU Ding-hui;ZHANG Ming-jun;LIU Xiao-bai
Real-time 2-D fluid simulation with a GPU acceleration
TONG Zhi-zhong;JIANG Hong-zhou;HAN Jun-wei
Study on fast algorithm of frequent item-set mining
ZHAN Li-qiang;LIU Da-xin
Reverse nearest neighbor queries using Voronoi diagrams
LI Song;HAO Zhong-xiao
The backstepping method for navigational control of an aircushion vessel
FU Ming-yu;SHI Xiao-cheng;DING Fu-guang
Magnetization determination of ships made of thin steel sheets by combining the physical model and numerical calculations
GUO Cheng-bao;ZHANG Xiao-feng;XIAO Chang-han;LIU Da-ming
An improved dual tank anti-rolling system for ships
JIN Hong-zhang;ZHANG Hong-han;BEN Cheng-hua
Optical measurement of aircraft attitude
LI Zhe;DING Zhen-liang;YUAN Feng
Method for scaling impact load data obtained from a small scale model to that of the full size clamped and stiffened plate
ZHANG Zhen-hua;QIN Jian;WANG Cheng;LI Zhen-huan;ZHU Xi
Research on unsteady hydrodynamic behaviors of a variable vector propeller in uneven in-flow
CHANG Xin;ZOU Jing-xiang;HUANG Sheng;GUO Chun-yu
Hydrodynamic behavior of a POD propeller in a ship's wake
HU Jian;HUANG Sheng;MA Cheng;QIAN Zheng-fang
Experimental research on a bionic propulsor with double tail-fins
YU Kai;HUANG Sheng;HU Jian;GUO Chun-yu