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Journal of Harbin Engineering University
2004 Issue 1
Detection modulated information from radiated noise of naval ships through wavelet transform
wang jing ; yuan lian xi ; sun shao wu
The effects of the changes of relevant variables of anti-rolling tank on anti-rolling performance
qu jia wen ; zhang hong ; yu li jun ; li guo bin
Robust H∞ filtering for a class of time-delayed LPV systems
wang jun ling ; wang chang hong ; gao hui jun
Application of fuzzy CMAC neural network for keeping depth and pitch of submarine
shi xiao cheng ; xu jian yu ; chen qiang ; bian xin qian
Development of the research on acoustic cavitation enhancement of heat transfer
sun bao zhi ; jiang ren qiu ; huai xiu lan ; liu deng zuo
Research on passive acoustics-guidance system based on vector hydrophones
zhao jun wei ; chen hua wei ; li jin ming
DOA estimation based on MUSIC algorithm using an array of vector hydrophones
zhang lan yue ; yang de sen
Detection of signals in reverberation noise
zhao hang fang ; zhu xian ; gong xian yi
Simulation research on acoustic lens beamforming
bian hong yu ; sang en fang ; ji xiang chun ; zhao jing yi
Discussion about the use of a low frequency noise-jammer against a line-guided torpedo
xia zhi jun ; zhang xin hua ; lin hong wen
Double frequency narrow directivity technology with single acoustic vector sensor
yao ai hong ; hui jun ying
Market competition behaviors of mobile communication industry in China
chen wei ; xue ling
Study of the risks of virtual enterprises
gao wan xin ; liu xi song
Security design for airports
wang yi ze ; liu long ; li hong wei ; yu tao ; shen ji hong
Causes for damage to casing
chen tian yu ; liu dian kui
Analysis of the buckling reliability of the beam column
gai jing bo ; wang shan ; sun guo cang
Dynamic attitude equations and stability study of dual spinning satellites
han guang cai ; zhang yao liang
Study of the constitutive equation of mud-rock
tang li qiang ; tan ying jie ; zheng gui
The high-speed realization of an adaptive array algorithm
yang zuo yuan ; xu fa lu ; hao jing tao
Study of building misuse detection models based on genetic algorithms
guan jian ; liu da zuo
The modified immune diversity algorithm used in function optimization
mo hong wei ; jin hong zhang
An image watermarking method based on coding theoretics
yang shu guo ; li chun xia ; hao yan ling ; sun yao
The study of road segmentation methods of remote image based on BP NN model
liu qiang ; zhang gen yao
Maneuvering prediction of a ship in regular waves
zhu jun ; pang yong jie ; xu yu ru
The relation of impulsive environment and impulsive factor on underwater explosion of ship
yao xiong liang ; xu wei jun ; liang de li