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Journal of Harbin Engineering University
2003 Issue 1
Strength analysis for longitudinal gravity launching calculation
yao xiong liang ; zhang jing ; gao liang tian ; wang zhi an
Design of ship 3-D motion simulation system
li zhen ; li ji de ; wang qing
Optimum design of midship sectional transverse members based on genetic algorithm
wang hong wei ; ren hui long ; dai yang shan
Strength against slam load analysis of pitch reducing attachment installed on convey
chen guo long ; nie wu ; wen bao hua
Probability analysis and prediction of ship impacts against bridges
dai tong yu ; liu wei li ; nie wu
Numerical simulation of three-dimension reacting flows in model gas turbine combustor
meng zuo ; liu li bo ; lian hong jun ; liu shun long
Processing and implementation of visual information for mobile robots
yuan xin ; zhu qi dan ; xu hui
Gyro case rotation monitoring technique
huang wei quan ; chen jian guo ; zhao guo liang ; huang de ming
Serial-parallel combined acquisition of PN sequences for DS/SS system
chen shi ru ; zhang jing juan ; sun yao
Processing of dependent sensor information for AUV in mapping
guo zuo zun ; gu guo chang
Information filtering technique based on term-frequency
zhang guo yin ; chen xian ; pi peng
Hierarchical access control based on indexed tree
li chun yan ; yang yong tian ; liu xin
Application of native Bayes classifier to text classification
li jing mei ; sun li hua ; zhang qiao rong ; zhang chun sheng
Strength anslysis for body-mast
lin jian ; wang chun ling ; jin meng ; luo a ni ; li shou ren
Direction changing monitoring in wire counister for WEDM
wu shu hui ; zhang ming jun
Implementation methods of step file based on feature model
zhu hai tao ; xue kai ; qiu chang hua
Markov process to determine reliablity of parallel system for different units
li shou ren ; yuan hai rong
Audio digital quantification watermark algorithm based on m-sequence modulation
zhao chun zuo ; li fu chang
Application of combination of space-time MLSE receiver to decision-feedback detector
yang yu li ; pang wei zheng
Fuzzy approach to identification of input variable
li bin
Dynamic analysis for effect of SH-wave on shallow fill multiple circular cavities
wang guo qing ; liu dian kui
Evaluation model for competitiveness of high-tech zones
liu xi song ; gan zhi xia ; liu mo ru
Interferometric synthetic aperture processing in water tank
sun da jun ; tian tan ; zhang dian lun ; jiang nan