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Journal of Harbin Engineering University
1999 Issue 3
Analysis of Validity of Dynamic Fracture Toughness Measurement
jiang feng chun ; liu rui tang
The Application of Plane Unfolding Formula of Lagrange Equation in Mechanism Dynamics
diao yan fei ; wei hong xing ; yang en xia
Parallel FFT Algorithms Based on TMS320C80
hu hui ; ding shi zuo
Design and Development of Fiber- optic Transmission System for the Cable-controlled Stystem of Ⅱ -type Deep- diving Robot Submarine
cao jia nian ; bao jian xin ; li xu you ; zhang li kun ; wang zuo
The Reliability Analysis for the Fiberreinforced Composite Plate
song yun lian ; li shu jun ; wang shan
Environmental Factors of Log- normal Distribution
huang mei ying ; li li ping ; tang zhao dong
Measurement of Beam Structure Vibration Power Flow
ge yun shan ; zhang wen ping ; liu zhi gang
A Two- Phase Free Boundary Problem of Variable Coefficient Parabolic Equations
ming shen jin ; jia hui ; pang feng ge
A Two- Phase Free Boundary Problem of Variable Coefficient Parabolic Equations
xu yao qun ; qin hong lei
The Design of a Fault Tolerant Navigation Computer System
liu jin zuo ; huang de ming
The Design of Submarine Navigation Training Simulator
zhao lin ; liu ying
Shading for Three- Dimensional Reconstruction from Sector Scanning Ultrasonic Image of Prostate
li jin ; cong wang ; jiang zuo ; tian ding
Testing Study of Construction Technology of Gunwale Joints
wang guang ge
A Study on Semiactively Controlled Vibration Damping Technique for Ship Piping System
li wan you ; zhang hong tian ; yang tie jun ; liu zhi gang ; zhang tian yuan ; zhang jing qiu
Development and Research of Adhesive Dock
wang shao hong ; ding fu zeng
A Multilayer Feedforward Network Model of Inputs with Nonlinear Function and Its Algorithm
liu bai shun ; xu yu ru ; jie gui xin ; liu xue min