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Journal of Marine Science and Application
2015 Issue 2
Sea Surface Effects on Sound Scattering in the Persian Gulf Region Based on Empirical Relations
Parviz Ghadimi;Alireza Bolghasi;Mohammad A.Feizi Chekab;Department of Marine Technology;Amirkabir University of Technology;
Oblique Wave-free Potentials for Water Waves in Constant Finite Depth
Rajdeep Maiti;Uma Basu;B.N.Mandal;Department of Applied Mathematics;University of Calcutta;Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit;Indian Statistical Institute;
Control of Vortex Shedding and Drag Reduction through Dual Splitter Plates Attached to a Square Cylinder
Bhanuman Barman;S.Bhattacharyya;Department of Mathematics;University of Gour Banga;Department of Mathematics;Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur;
Free Surface Flow Generated by Submerged Twin-cylinders in Forward Motion Using a Fully Nonlinear Method
Kang Ren;Shili Sun;School of Naval Architecture;Ocean and Civil Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;College of Shipbuilding Engineering;Harbin Engineering University;
Scattering of Oblique Surface Waves by the Edge of Small Deformation on a Porous Ocean Bed
Smrutiranjan Mohapatra;Department of Mathematics;Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology;
Numerical Simulation of the Stokes Wave for the Flow around a Ship Hull Coupled with the VOF Model
Shengtao Chen;Jingjun Zhong;Peng Sun;Marine Engineering College;Dalian Maritime University;
Turbulence Model Investigations on the Boundary Layer Flow with Adverse Pressure Gradients
Yong Zhao;Zhi Zong;Li Zou;Tianlin Wang;Transportation Equipment and Ocean Engineering College;Dalian Maritime University;State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment;Dalian University of Technology;School of Naval Architecture;Dalian University of Technology;
An Experimental Investigation on the Stability of Foundation of Composite Vertical Breakwaters
Mohammad Amin Torabi;Mehdi Shafieefar;Department of Civil Engineering;Tarbiat Modares University;
Time Domain Calculation of Connector Loads of a Very Large Floating Structure
Jiayang Gu;Jie Wu;Enrong Qi;Yifeng Guan;Yubo Yuan;School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering;Jiangsu University of Science and Technology;China Ship Scientific Research Center;
Investigation on the Dynamic Responses of a Truss Spar Platform for Different Mooring Line Groups
Montasir Osman Ahmed;Anurag Yenduri;V.J.Kurian;Department of Civil Engineering;Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS;
An Analytical Approach for Assessing the Collapse Strength of an Unbonded Flexible Pipe
Y.G.Chen;J.Liu;L.F.Zhu;Z.M.Tan;G.Karabelas;GE Oil & Gas;
Energy Optimization of the Fin/Rudder Roll Stabilization System Based on the Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm(MOGA)
Lijun Yu;Shaoying Liu;Fanming Liu;Hui Wang;College of Automation;Harbin Engineering University;
Morphological Research on Geometrical Scattering Waves of an Underwater Target
Xiukun Li;Mingye Liu;Shu Jiang;Acoustic Science and Technology Laboratory;Harbin Engineering University;College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering;Harbin Engineering University;
Underwater Technology Conference 2015