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Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
2014 Issue 2
Wire Scanner Emittance Measurement and Software Design at BEPCII Linac
LIU Wei-bin;,QIAO Wei;,SUI Yan-feng;
The Design of a 8-bit DAC with High Accuracy and Low Power
JIANG Xiao-shan;,LI Huai-shen;,WANG Na;,XU Bo;,YAN Yong-hong;
Primary Study on Key Points and Software System Development of Radiation Protection Review for CAP1400 NPP
LI Jun-li;,LIU Yuan-yuan;,WANG Xin;,WU Zhen;,ZHANG Chun-ming;,ZHENG Peng;
Transmission Algorithm of Digital Communicating Data for Digital NDIS
LI Yan-li;,LIU Rui;
Development of the Digital Pulse Processing Algorithms Based on DSP Builder and FPGA Techniques
LI Yu-ying;,LIANG Hao;,LIU Han-chao;,ZENG Ya-dan;
Design and Realization of Collective Data Management for Z-pinch Experiments
LIU Jian;,MENG Shi-jian;,YANG Jian-lun;,YANG Rui-hua;,YE Fan;
Combination of RBS and SIMS Methods in the Analysis of Trace Elements in Thick DLC Sample
DING Fu-rong;,GUO Cai;,LIU Kun;,MA Hong-ji;,NIE Rui;,TIAN Ji-ting;,YANG Jiang-yan;,ZHENG Tao;
Study of Control System of CSNS Main Strip Foil Base on EPICS
CHEN Jia-xin;,HE Zhe-xi;,LI Chun-hua;,XU Guang-lei;
Electronics for BPM Measurement at CSNS RCS
LAI Wei;,LU Wei;,TIAN Xing-cheng;,ZHAO Jing-wei;,ZHAO Yu-bin;
Simulating Calculation for the HPGe γ-spectrometer Detection Efficiency of a Volume Source Using Monte Carlo Method
HU Ming-kao;,LIU Feng;,WANG Xin-xing;,ZHANG Ji-yun;
A Study About Inversion Performance of Magnetic Suspension Control Rod Drive Mechanism
JIAO Di-nan;,WANG Yu-lin;,ZHEN Jian-xiao;,ZHU Xue-wei;
Monte Carlo Simulation and Image Reconstruction of Rotating Modulator Imaging
AI Xian-yun;,WANG Feng;,WANG Ying;,WEI Xing;,XIAO Wu-yun;,XU Hong-juan;,ZHANG Bin;,ZHANG Lei;
Simulation of Digital Trapezoidal Shaping Algorithm Based LabVIEW
YANG Lu;,YANG Min;,ZHU Yu-yu;
Development of Charged Particle Identification Methods
LIU Guo-fu;,LUO Xiao-liang;,YANG Yun;,ZHU Jin-tao;
The Development of Multi-protocol Software System for PMT Test Bench
feng cun feng ;, li chao ju ;, wang xu ;, wu hong jin ;, xu tong ye ;, zhang zhong quan ;
Multi-focus Image Fusion Based on Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
FAN Yan-ling;,YANG Ming;
Digital Multi-channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer Testing Technology Study
LI Jing-lun;,LIANG Wei-ping;,XIAO Wu-yun;,ZHANG Yu-zhong;
Design of Software Framework for Digital Nuclear Instruments Based on PXI Platform
CAO Ping;,HUANG Xi-ru;,MAO Di;,SONG Ke-zhu;,YANG Bai-li;,YAO Lin;
The Performance Comparison About Two Kinds of Remote Clock Transmission
CHANG Jin-fan;,LI Qiu-ju;,WANG Qing-juan;,WANG Wei;,WANG Zheng;,XIAO Teng-fei;,ZHANG Yan;
Study the Module Power Supply’ s Performance for LHAASO
CUI Shu-wang;,DING Kai-qi;,LIU Cai-xia;,LIU Xiao-bo;,SHENG Xiang-dong;,WU Yuan-yuan;,ZHANG Shao-ru;,Zhao Li-zhi;
A Geometry Calibration Method for Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
LI Lei;,LU Li-zhong;,YAN Bin;,ZHANG Feng;,ZHANG Jun;
Design and Implementation of Ground Inspection System for QKD Device Carried by Satellite
JIANG Wei;,LI Chong;,LIN Ze-hong;,LIU Wei-yue;,ZHAO Shuang-qiang;
Android-based X-ray Fuorescence Spectroscopy Measurement Software Development
GONG Chun-hui;,HOU Xin;,HU Rui;,LAI Wan-chang;,ZENG Guo-qiang;
An Analog Signal Sampling Circuit for the Measurement of Airborne Radioactive Iodine
AN Ran;,CHEN Xiang-lei;,GONG Yu-wei;,GUO Xiao-bin;,LI Xiao-hua;,REN Cai;,WANG Hong;
Study on Digital Nuclear Signal Processing System Based on FPGA
TANG Bin;,WU He-xi;,ZHANG Huai-qiang;,ZHANG Xiong-jie;
The Study of Digitizing Nuclear Pulse Discriminator Method
WANG Qing-zhen;,YAN Yong-jun;,YANG Zhao-tong;
Simulation Study of PET System Using GATE
LIU Hao-jia;,ZHANG Bin;