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Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
2000 Issue 2
Application of non-liner mapping color in large container inspect system
ZHANG Li;CHEN Zhi-qiang;KANG Ke-jun;WANG Jing-jin;ZHAO Zhi-ran
The method of data acquisition by a group of parallel interfaces
LIU Zheng-xi;TAO Shi-guang;FAN Yi-xiang
The application of GEANT3 system
TANG Yu;WU Xiao-yi
Off-line data processing and analysis using Mathematica
Calculation of current coupling in the double cable system
LI Bao-zhong;ZHOU Hui;WU Yan-ling;CHENG Yi-hui;ZHONG Yu-feng
On the research of X ray effects in double cable system by the current injection test
ZHONG Yu-fen;CHENG Yin-hui;ZHOU Hui;LI Bao-zhong;WU Yan-ling
External SGEMP model and its application in simulator design
ZHOU Hui;LI Bao-zhong;CHENG Yin-hui;ZHONG Yu-feng
A 1024-channel analyzer system via parallel port of PC
ZHOU Jian-bin;TUO Xian-guo;ZHOU Rong-sheng
Use of electrostatic collection of 218Po for passive measurement of Rn
QIU Xiao-ping;CAO Yang-da;YU Tao
Experimental study on 14 MeV neutron irradiation effects in FLASH ROM28F256 and 29C256
HE Chao-hui;CHEN Xiao-hua;LI Guo-zheng;LIU En-ke;WANG Yan-ping;JI Lin;GENG Bin;YANG Hai-liang
Reducing the unusable areas of modular NaI(Tl) detector
LI Yu-lan;JING Yong-jie
Model ZJH36/127S flameproof and intrinsically safe weigh scale
XIANG Xin-cheng;ZHOU Li-ye
Charge sensitive preamplifier designed by integrated operational amplifier for GaAs detector
WANG Yu;ZHANG Yong-ming;LI Cheng;WU Rui-sheng;CHEN Hong-fang;WANG Xiao-lian
Measurement and control system of coherent harmonic generation experiment
LIU Jin-ying;XU Hong-liang;HU Yan
The water-preadding and ball-forming system of cement factory based on nuclear scale
ZHANG Yong-ming;WANG Yu;WU Rui-sheng;WANG Yan-ting;LIU Xin-yu
Working principle of the KD-421 γ ray micro-computerized productivity meter
WU Rui-sheng;ZHOU Zhong-ping;REN Zhen-hai;ZHANG Yong-ming;Liu Gong-fa
Feasibility study of BES data off-line processing and D/Ds physics analysis on a PC/Linux platform
RONG Gang;HE Kang-lin;ZHAO Jia-wei;HENG Yue-kun;ZHAGN Chun;LIU Huai-min;CHENG Bao-shen;YAN Wu-guang;MAI Ji-mao;CHEN Hong-fang;ZHANG Zi-ping;ZHAO Hai-wen
Progress and experiments of joint in-beam γ equipment
LEI Xiang-guo;GUO Ying-xiang;HUANG Wen-xue;XU Xiao;FENG Xi-chen;HE Jian-jun;ZHANG Shuang-quan;LIU Ming-yi;ZHOU Xiao-hong;ZHANG Yu-hu;LIU Zhong;SUN Xiang-fu;LUO Yi-xiao;WEN Shu-xian;WU Xiao-guang;YUAN Guan-jun;LI Guang-sheng;HAN Guang-bing;PENG Chao-hua;YANG Chun-xiang