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Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)
2008 Issue 1
Relationship between vegetation and urban heat-island effect in Shanghai
Multi-receiver identity-based proxy signcryption
HU Zhen-peng;QIAN Hai-feng;LI Zhi-bin
Dissymmetrical P2P topology and resource locating algorithm
YANG Jing;HE Liang;GU Jun-zhong
Nover design pattern of aspect-oriented programming
XU Qian-ying;YANG Zong-yuan
Pulmonary nodule segmentation algorithm based on three-domain mean shift clustering
NIE Sheng-dong;LI Li-hong;CHEN Zhao-xue
Statistical analysis of 2-level orthogonal saturated designs:the procedure of searching zero effects
ZHANG Xiao-qin;ZHANG Ying-shan;MAO Shi-song
Properties of corresponding statistics of the technical analysis indexes on a SARV model
HUANG Xu-dong;ZHANG Qiong;LIU Wei
Hausdorff measure of Sierpinski sponge generated by normal tetrahedron
CHEN Ying-zhou;GUI Yong-xin;LI Wen-xia
Experimental study of vertical sediment mixing coefficients in 2D uniform flow
ZHU Chuan-fang;KONG Ya-zhen;DING Ping-xing
Rotational analysis of the (5,21) band in the second negative band system (A2Πu-X2Πg) of O2+
LI Ling;BEN Jing-wen;CHEN Yang-qin;YANG Xiao-hua
Non-covalent functionalization of MWNT with PS in situminiemulsion polymerization
JIN Sheng-song;TANG Guo-qiang;WANG Hong-min;BIAN Cheng-xiang;XU Xue-cheng
RFID solution with the feature of liner-feedback-shift-register
ZOU Chen-yi;ZHENG Zheng-qi;LI Fu-cheng
Computer solution of middle game problems in Go
YU Lei;LIU Jin-gao
Application of singular value decomposition in g-Inverses
CHEN Xiao-juan;GUO Wen-bin
q-Differential operator identity and its applications
FANG Jian-ping
Mathematical methods of stability for quasigeostrophic motions
LIU Yong-ming